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Show amount of bidding also was credited to persistent hopes that a good reinvestment re-investment rally would eventuate by the turn of the year. The portal-to-portal wage situation, situa-tion, already Involving suite approaching ap-proaching the blllibn-dollar mark, remained re-mained as a bearish influence. Predictions Pre-dictions of falling goods prices la 1847 brought soma liquidation on the thought that a deflationary Interlude Inter-lude was a possibility. Western Union "A" enjoyed an early Jump following the rate boost granted the company. The stock; opened up 7-8. on a 2000-eher brock, ' but soon retreated as analysts figured fig-ured the Increase might not compensate compen-sate for recent pay roll hoists and other higher costs. Attracting support were Santa fe. ' Great Northern. Baltimore A Ohio, Pennsylvania Railroad, Bethlehem, U. S. 8teel, General Motors, Chrysler, Chrys-ler, Woolworth, Montgomery Ward, American Telephone, Kennecott, International In-ternational Telephone, Union Carbide, Car-bide, Caterpillar Tractor and Philip Morris. Backward were IT. S. Rubber, International In-ternational Harvester, Texas Co., Allied Chemical, International Nickel, Nick-el, N. T. Central, Southern Pacific, General Electric and Douglas Aircraft. Air-craft. Bonds were steady and most commodities com-modities lower. In - the curb forward tendencies wers exhibited by American Cy ana-mid, ana-mid, Humble Oil, Electric Bona and Share, Pantepeo and United Light. S. L BANK CLEARINGS Frldsy'i bank debits ....$8,283,944.00 Same day laat year ...... 6.833.603.00 Saturday's clearings .... 8.510.549.43 Sams day laat year Week's clearings 43,077.348.39 Same week laat year 31.332,407.78 |