Show Brick Cement Plaster Work V STUCCO guarantee plastering waterproofing Arches Arche built butt No Noy money y down 6 60 days on oil first nut payment pay pay- ment j 7 1880 G 4 7 pay PLASTERER PLAstER 8 wants want foundations patch tc work work stuccoing Work guar huar F ce 5 PATCH PATH pl plastering brick stucco and ind nd waterproofing 18 vr ni per Work rca guar 3 BRICKWORK Chimneys built or re re- re paired alred Fireplaces cinder block coment cot co- co Cf ment ment t Reas g 1907 6 Cesspool Tank Cesspool Tank Cleaning SEPTIC TANKS Cleaning Service Serio Sales Safes FAST MODERN EQUIPMENT CS CESSPOOLS POOL SEPTIC TANKS TANIS ANtS AND AND WASTE SUMPS PUMPED SPI- SPI SPY CIAL CARE CAE WITH WIH L LAWNS WN OUT OUT- TOWN OF-TOWN SERVICE FRE FRER IN BECK CO CO 1610 19 1 I. I 8 S STATE STATI ST. ST ST ST. 7 2 7 2560 GO AFTER B 5 PM PL 7 1615 SEPTIC TANK TAK AND CF CESSPOOL SPOOL CLEANING SERVICE We haul more mor for tor III fri Out of ot town towo service anywhere Concrete septic tanks tank and aed IDd subsurface drains installed Girac Garag ump cleaned free tre inspection a A. A B. B C. C SEPTIC TA TANK TANI K CLEANERS 26 Belmont 4 34 Provo call cal Orem Pocatello Ida 42 N. N J SEPTIC TANKS TANIS AND CESSPOOLS CLEANED Grease sumps and waste racks Septic tanks and drain r he f flues S installed ns VI l MORROW M R SEWER SANITATION SERVICE 7 7 27 Grass Gras at ot et SEPTIC tanks and anc cr cesspool pl waste cleaning Prompt service Latest Latet t td Free In In p Carl Poole Pole S. S S state Murray Muray and Pools Cleaned Murray MurrY J J C CESSPOOLS E S SSP S P 0 0 L S and septic tanks pumped Prompt service 8 8 Contractors Contractors Day Day or Job HOME CONSTRUCTION REMODELING STUCCO Cement cr er p work work Will WI Wi orang arrange arrango financing and bond O. O J. J ond and W W. B. B B Murdock Murdock correctors contractors Mur J. After 6 pm p.m. 7 FLAGSTONE Building ready rady cut cut Flagstone tops ep any ny size size Stepping stones window sills Carload Cload or Js any Y amount Amount Before Beton purchasing see ice It tt Contract stone stono work vt-ork of ot any typo type o 2211 S. S S East Eat 6 6 GARAGES BUT TO YOUR I rIONS S. S CALL S 2734 FOR FOrt FREE ESTIMATES A AND N D APPOINT APPOINT- MENTS rENTs TERMS IF DESIRED SPRINKLING SYSTEMS Installed by experts Guaranteed quality ey systems te For free treo estimate call cl 6 or 3 EXCAVATING Fill FU dirt grading and anc trees removed re re moved mond by the Ue hour or by contract Free Fee estimate Harold Evans Evans 9 RE TRENCHES CHES and nM BASE BASEMENTS dug rUb SHOVEL HOE or LINE V A TOR or DOZER DOZER Slur Mur 0 01 or Mid Ild H H. R R. R WOOLLEY Contractor Residential and commercial bli Hot HoL Hol W I DIG and concrete under houses houes Rake houses pour tons Eel EsL Et free Mur J. GRADING TERRACING GRADING TERRACING Back tIlts fills and land leveling Will Wi leveIn do good Jod work Mr Mc fr rn King 6 CARPENTERS to ao Go small sal lobs tob around arund the te Some Dome bore sent b by THE 8 SMALL MALL LL JOB SHOP Phone 6 ALL AL TYPES TYES concrete breaking CC under buildings 3 or homes horneL bOmEs R. R R L L. 1 Denny Mur lInt W. 1237 CARPENTER CARENTER work ork cabinet work I repairing remodeling No job too small smal for our attention 7 CEMENT T work done by sp specialist Free Fee estimates Call Cl 4 TREES TEE tapped removed removed Ph Ph 7 EX EXCAVATING C A V A TIN G. G TRENCHING TRUCKING 5 or 8 YING cement work chim ne M- M MF F WI Wilson on 7 7 6 FRED RED D SOUTHWICK SOUTHWICK bId and contractor Free Fee estimate 5 CONSTRUCTION REMODELING Complete remo Avail Avail now 4 ANY ANT kind of ot sand und gravel el or fill fl dirt dirt Loading h hauling 6 Dressmaking and Schools T TAILORING dressmaking altera lera- lera Hons Eva E Dun Duncan n. n Hooper bId bids 23 E. E 1st South Sout 4 MRS IRS MYERS LADIES LADIES' TAILORING MYRS LDES' LDES and md alterations 4 th ave Dve 5 Floor Finishing Rental Equipment LOOR I LAYING G sanding finishing patching cleaning and ad waxing old floors for a a. a s specialty IAly 7 FLOORS refInished new floors floora laid Expert Exert workmanship Call 3 for free fre estimate bo D X IT yourself youself Rent floor sanders canders olber Sherwin 4 Lawn Mowers Sharpened FRY FACTORY precision grind def der Your MOWER steam atea Sn cleaned FREE FEE Fastest lockout service anywhere GLE GLENS GLEN'S S 'S IcE KEY K 23 S. S State 4 LA LW AWN TIN mowers and ad saws sharpened harp ned Tricycles and ad bicycles bicycle bicycle repaired repaired Ci C. C A. A A Fowler Fowier 13 E. E 6 5 77 LA LAWN mowers mower special machine sharpened ened Free pickup del W W. South Sout Temple 9 0 Painting Papering Cleaning fALT PA INTING reas rea interior or orr exterior fei Brush or spray Work and material materia guar ar 13 yrs yr experience 5 ANY NY room rom painted 1495 labor materials material Work guar 15 years ear experience Mid JUd PROMPT SERVICE Papering paint tile te setting Rea Reas Guar Gua work work 4 EXPERT EXERT paperhanging latest latet sam sam- pies ples pIes AI Also o kitchen and baths washed term terms reas Eves Eve 3 PAPERHANGING PAINT PAIT STEAMING STEAM STEAM- ING IG AND KE KETO KEM TO E. E 8 PAINTING PAPERHANGING Prices reasonable Ph Ph 3 E EXPERT paper p hanging and paper cleaning I L. L A. A Bateman f fn 9 1607 PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Call Can eves eve BERT SMITH SMITH 4 15 35 washing YEARS exper painting f Paper Free cleaning eat cst 7 wall crali B HAVE BAVE VE your wallpaper cleaned Woodwork Wood Wood- WoO work washed before beor the te rush 4 1475 4 Leaky Roofs Repaired 3 G GUAR painting and and wall wail tile the nJ att Call Tr 4 l EXPERT paper hanging and clean ing 20 years year exp 9 9 E EXPERT paper c cleaning and paint washing 20 yrs s. s experience nc 4 PAPER HANGING painting Reas prices priced rIces Work guaranteed 5 f 1 PAPER steaming efficient Reason Keason- able able Sam Sm Bowler 1 1 PAINTING G Gm m cleaning wail washing Good o work g l Clark l 3 p PAPERHANGING Prompt PAPERHANGING Prompt service hy by vet Reasonable G rates g Phone 3 tl 2 Auction 2 Aucion 2 Sales Painting Papering Cleaning ANY AN ROOM PAPERED 1495 LABOR AND MATERIALS INCLUDED GOOD SELECTION OF WALLPAPER Drive e Dl Out and See Oi V. Open Till Ti anc 9 S pm p.m. pr PA PAYLESS WALLPAPER STORES 2113 S. S East in Salt Lak Le DIAL 8 PAINTING AND DECOR DECORATING A TING 26 years in S L C. C Interior and an exterior Roofs Root painted Rest Best of ot material ma ma- and worl workmanship Dont Don't take chances Wo Vo arc ac licensed and Insured insured In in- to serve vou ou ou and guarantee our work 12 to IS months to pay 5 Call Cal collect Hoi 1101 Hol W George Cant Can't Ct Do Everything For pain painting cleaning asphalt tile tle and d general repairs LET ED DO IT Free Fre est Call 5 5 3 House Cleaning and Painting woodwork washed wa Paper cleaned Prompt service Ice Free Fru est t Guar r. r work work S S 4 6 8 Paperhanging Painting Paperhanging Painting GOOD JN OP OI VALL J WAl PAPER UP tiP TO 36 MOS 1108 TO ro PAY WORK GUAR GUAR FREE ESTIMATES CLARK CLR THOMAS PHONE S 2872 8 2872 Cle Cleaning Repairing New Vr VENETIAN BLINDS One Dav Day Cash and Carry Service WEBBER V. V B. B D LAUNDRY 72 12 Harvard Har ard Ave e A 30 3 20 SPECIAL prices for 10 days on alt all al wallpapering and painting First class workmanship the te best bet of ot ma 35 years experience Ph Ph S 8 PAPERING washable papers paper furn fur Steaming painting plas teeing Kem Kern Tone A I work Jar guar teas reas prices Jacobs Jacobs 7 GOOD PAINTING SPRAY SPRA Y OR BRUSH CAREFUL CLEAN WORKMEN ME Also Paperhanging and Cleaning JOHNSON 5 5 5 GENERAL GENER HOUSE HOUS CLUAN CLEANING Clean walls wails wals floors toor blinds and ruca furniture shampooed bv bY t ex- ex pert pert Reas fleas prices price Phone 7 1 DO IT yo Rent Reet floor Coor sanders wallpaper steamers and floor pol GUI Giu Paint and md Wallpaper 2693 S. S State State S 8 B Vl EXPERT A PAP PAPER R CLEANING VA rJ IT WALL WJ WASHING KE TONE KEM-TONE TON I-TON your our room rom ST Large or small smal Jobs I Available now 3 8 8 Patent Attorneys THOMAS A THOMAS U. U 8 reg Tl trademarks d rk TB Season Beason 5 Plumbing Heating FOR extra t bath m thIngs change plumbing tallor sprinkling systems call call i Schrader A h Ht 1727 Wind WInd- sor or 61 6 1157 7 Pipe available PLU PLUMBING BING and repair work ork reasonable reasonable reason reason- able lage lase or small smal jobs jobs Murray 9 NJ 8 NEED A PLUMBER Dial 4 Prompt Prompt efficient reasonable GAS SERVICE SERVICE Gas Gas appliances Installed In in- f stalled staled repaired piping 6 02 FOR PLUMBING CA CALL LL 5 PLUM PLUMBING ING and aDd repairing gas as fitting Prompt Prompt rena service 5 24 5 57 PLUMBING L Large e or small email smal lobs Call Cal 6 Printers Printers Bookbinding Bookbinding FOR FO R library see seeF seeF F O. O Dust Co 21 EdIson Edlon 4 Repairs Who Repairs Who Does It I UPHOLSTERING RING RECOVERING RECOVERING REBUILDING REBUILDING DING FREE ESTI ESTIMATES TERMS ESTIMATES TESTER TERMS S VANCO Dial 8 2807 STOVE RP REPAIRS AIRS for tor ALL A ran ranges cs heaters beaters heater WESTERN and furnaces turnce FOUNDRY water CO C. C Jackets ceu 81 a. a S West Phone 4 4 W WASHER WASHER VACUUM VACUUM RADIO ASIER- ASIER VACUUM RIO Irons Irons toasters mixers lamps lamps etc ete Guaranteed work work Free Fre pickup pickup deL 8 1725 1125 S. S State State DAMAGED AGED DA CLOTHING EXPERTLY and REPAIRED Sonata su St st st. Rose Park Park Mrs Mrs Barrel MAGIC SERVICE e mending I minor mi ml- nor tailoring f Jt Ness bIds 4 o d RELIABLE radio service serice in tn the te home or shop RADIO RADI REPAIR SERVICE 9 Days evenings HA HAVE VE your four old gutters ter and downspouts down dow spouts replaced Expert work 5 Leaky Roofs Repaired 3 IS YOUR upholstered turn furn turn run rn down Call CI 70 7 0 Roofs and Roofing ROOFS Leaky y ones repaired Work or guar guaranteed guar guar- feal fi I Immediate d service I Get our l f low cost cos on new nw roots 3 RE-R RE ROOF RE-ROOF F NOW Prices reduced 8 Eve Eve 3 Rug Cleaning UTAH RUG UTH AND FURNITURE CLEANING CO 1995 S 8 S East 2101 8 New plant plant new equipment exper personnel Insured guaranteed work work prompt pickup and delivery delver DIAL 5 Introductory offer oter 1112 nu rug 3 33 Rugs Rugs furniture beut cleaned plant or home Mme DIAL CLEANERS P. P WE SHAMPOO O your U carpeting and upholstering ho f right where b ett they are Rugs sq ft ft Acme Ru Rug and Furniture Cleaners 16 W. W N. N Temple Templo 3 or 5 Call Cal FRANKS FRANK'S MAGIC CLEANER for expert rug rUI and nd upholstery upholster cleaning Very ery reas In your home home 5 R ROMNEY R RUG A Furniture rn r Cleaning le It Costs No More 1 for the Best Dial Olal 8 2701 At 8 8 2701 At Provo SPRING special 2 0 ln A-ln end and GIlmon No shrinkage 6 6 1926 RUGS CARPETS UPHOLSTERY expertly cleaned In your home 9 Surgical Trusses Belts Trusses Belts Trusses SURGICAL stockings Delta bits trusses tsu BY EXPERT FITTED FIED 01 a S. S M Main ln Salt SAl Lake CU City Weddings Weddings Anniversary Anniversary Gifts Fo G announcements see Press Beason Reason 4 Window Shades Shades Drapes Drapes Quality Be Beauty uty Unequaled DuPont Washable Window Shades Shade Shae SANDERS WINDOW SHADE CO S S. S State State 5 2595 2 2567 67 a 8 S State ate 8 Samples Free Fru Estimates Estimate 3 Lost 3 Lost and Found L LOST fr- fr Shetland ft pony and white Reward blind In one eye Call Cal 4 6 LOST LOST Gold Gold topped Parker ker 51 pen en 2 Auction 2 Call 3 Sales Reward va NOTICE AUTO AUCTION WHOLESALE Any person wonting highest ca cash h price for his or her car cor bring U it i to EST BEST MOTOR SALES' SALES WHOLESALE AUTOMOBILE AUCTION at ot 2225 So State Snit Salt 51 Lake City Enter your car no now no Wo We havo have 78 cars core listed for first solo sole 18 Sole Sol starts FRIDAY MAY 27 of ot 2 P. P PM P.M. sharp and every ever Friday thereafter r rain idin in or shine 5 to enter Special totes rates to dealers NOTICE CARS IN FIRST SALE ARE GOING REGARDLESS OF PRICE I SEE THE CHIEF Auction Manager BEST MOTOR SALES 2225 South State Salt Lake City 3 Lost 3 Lost and Found reward for return of ot L Lyman Ly- Ly man Motor stock certificate book and 2 stock certificates missing from car while parked on Sears Scars ca parking No value aluc to anyone ex except cx tX- tX owners owner Nn No questions asked Lyman Motor g. g S Main 4 S fALL black makeup ki kit patent leather containing camera between n r th South and 0 on Main Slain st st. lt Would like very vly much to recover reco Reward SO S. S State Ph 4 Mrs Ir Ray LOST Sat LOST LOST St. maroon maron wallet money and d social security card rd In or near nea Dru Drug store since Rew Call Cal Olga 03 Sample 73 collect Tennis FUND FOUND Tennis FOUND Tennis racket at II reservoir tennis courts Call Cal 4 4 and andl l Identify e n t C I LOST LOST LOST Black Black long haired medium medium- la largo large male mall dog dOl Pleas ph 6 4 Personals 4 Person a Is URANIUM INFORMATION GEIGER COUNTERS Green River R er Exploration Co room roam Granite E. E 2nd South out Phone 9 2532 e evenings 4 DISAPPOINTED with the tho O way your carpets r tJ an and furniture 10 looked ki Jg when you had u them en cleaned in fn your our tome home If I so EO call cal cal lie us If we disappoint you jou wo pay you Vc Vo also aiso eh have a slip non backlog backing K fo for any type rug All work guar W. W H H. Al I Wheat Wheat E. E 1 SoO So 5 4 O UGLY HAIR-UGLY UNWANTED m REMOVED PERMANENTLY Skilled recommended by ny fy pI physicians Charles of ot the tho to Ritz Beauty Salon at a 5 2801 HAVE UNWANTED HAIR HAR removed safely and permanently Evelyn Ecelyn T T. Indorsed by leading physicians Beauty Salon lon E 9 Hotel U Utah nh Ph Ph 5 FOR A LOVELY FIGURE Reduce as the stars star do Personal Personal- lied service for tor ladle and men men Hollywood Reducing Lounge LuDe 9 MEN EN AND WIVES WIVES WIVES-Bo Be sure suro to rend read our ad under 11 Male Help starting Men en and Wives Opportunity Opportunity I plus Ll DENTAL PLATE REPAIRS ole Ola plates e duplicated I In new ma- ma te t R Wk guar teIl Laird 6 Confidential Investigation You Name Namo It Well We'll I cl Well We'll Do It I. I Manning Detective o Service Serice 5 SWEDISH MASSAGE for lor ladles ladle an and ans gentlemen HOLLYWOOD REDUCING REDUCING ING WG LOUNGE Atlas Ata THERAPEUTIC bath bt tub bath al al- elm cho rub rb Swedish massage masse Tel 4 34 3 S 5 S Main Main Open DO YOU want to do something about about your drinking problem Write Alcoholics Alco- Alco holics Anonymous P. P 0 O box 1565 plates plate expertly repaired In II 4 bra hrs S. S Main Man rio rm rm 5 6 P POPULAR piano I lessons given iven your home t t Marvel M IM Method gg 8 WHO DESIRES NEEDLEPOINT CALL 4 5 Massage 5 5 and Bath SWEDISH massage e 25 JE E 2nd South South 20 Beason Powder rubs bt baths Hours 12 to 9 U. Open Sunday 12 to 4 Expert operators operator 5 LEAH LEAU HANSON Relaxation mas- mas ma cage care bath bath 23 3 E. E E 1st lit S. S room Era Irs 12 3 41 Closed Thursday 7 Help 7 Help Wanted Women Wanted Women ATTENTION DRY CLEANING OPERATORS A modern modem cleaning plant with all al new equipment needs girls In the following positions 1 EXP MARKER AND CHECKER 1 EXPERIENCED SPOTTER 1 EXP SILK FINISHER Ideal working conditions 40 hr week top pay Apply Appl TROY LAUNDRY OFFICE S. S East EXPERIENCED GROCERY CHECKER Local loal Established Firm Good Working Conditions Permanent Job Good Wages BUY RYE FOOD STORES SEE MR GRANGER STORE No 2 W 2nd SO RELIABLE and experienced couple to lease very ery desirable lar largo large o home suitable for board boarding In house rooming room room- log ing Ins house houe or convalescent home home Has 24 2 single beds 4 complete baths and apt apt for operating couple Adequate Adequate Ade Ade- quate quale anto auto gas a hot water and heat new G. G E. E dishwasher asher large larse I Phone 3 USHERETTES TES WANTED I Attractive young b ladles S 18 yrs or older trai Full J io time lime ilo tl employment Ap |