Show I Soldier Sentenced In Guam Attack AGANA Guam May 2 25 5 UP The The second of three Negro air all corps men accused of the rape rape- slaying of pretty Ruth Farnsworth Farnsworth Farns- Farns worth last December was sentenced sen sen- to death Wednesday Calvin Dennis 2 27 of Seguin Seguin Seguin Se- Se guin Tex fex was convicted hy by a martial court-martial board and sentenced to hang His half brother Herman Dennis 20 W of Calvert Tex re received received received re- re the thc same sentence earlier curlier from another martial court-martial board The new board hoard found Dennis guilty g on all counts of the thc articles of war var sections dealing with rape and murder on a government res res- cna lion Staff S t. t Robert Burns Burn 32 of Spokane Wash will be tried next Miss Farnsworth a navy civilian civilian civilian civil civil- ian from San Francisco was from an island curio shop where she worked eve eve- She was beaten and raped and died in an army hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital some 48 hours homs later |