Show SO STATE I AH All This Week ONLY 5 On 1949 Models Y rS ti i im m rE I 5 HUGE DISCOUNT ON 1948 MODELS Dont Don't Wait a Day Longer OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PAL PM I t It ItA A iol SOUTH STATE PHONE 4 1134 GOING TO San FrancIsco Francis o If youre you're going to San Francisco for business or pleasure we suggest you try Southern Pacific We have fine fast train service on the direct Overland Route Route across across Great Salt Lake through Reno over the High Sierra Sierra to to Sacramento Oakland and San Francisco via Ogden Wells and Winnemucca Southern Pacific trains to San Francisco offer comfortable comfortable com corn low fare reclining chair cars and coaches and luxurious standard Pullmans R Yo GOING TO e Los Angeles SEE SEE SAN FRANCISCO TOO When you go to Southern California on Southern Pacific you see San Francisco and many other interesting interesting interesting inter inter- esting California places Heres Here's a sample Southern Pacific ticket to 10 San Francisco on one of our Overland Overland Overland Over Over- land Route trains See the tho fascinating city by the Golden Gate Then go to Los Angeles on one of our famous streamlined Daylights via Daylights via the Coast Line through Santa Barbara and miles along the Pacific Oceans Ocean's edge with short side trip to Monterey Peninsula Peninsula Peninsula Penin Penin- sula or the San Joaquin Val Valley ey Line with side trips to Yosemite and the Big Trees From Los Angeles you can return via San Francisco FranI Francisco Fran Fran- I cisco or direct line Trip via San Francisco costs only slightly more than via direct line HOW TO SEE SEETHE t 1 THE WHOLE PACIFIC COAST i Southern Pacific is is the only railroad with lines up and down the Pacific Coast Let us show you how you youcan youcan youcan can see this scenic wonderland on your next trip to Los Angeles San Francisco or Portland TICKET OFFICE 14 SO MAIN STREET You can buy rail and Pullman tickets and get travel information information information mation at our convenient ticket office Telephone 2601 3 or write 0 O. V. V Gibson General Agent Southern South South- ern Pacific 14 South Main Street S Salt lt Lake City 1 1 i r S-P S 5 p 7 The friendly Southern Pacific 6 64 4 lL lL- FOR STORE FRONTS GUMP GLASS CO S East Broadway Phone 4 i r. r r o o MENT MENTh h LITTLE JUNIOR DOESN'T f NEED A PLAYPEN PLAY HE 1 l 1 STAYS PUT WHEREVER Il p r I F PLACE THE THEBE B BE i TSY SY ROSS e 0 a READI I I's s 's 10 I I x y 0 1 1 1 u lu DA rr Y YUM 11 4 1 art r o. o toor 1 1 1 1 r s S' S 1 M I a dRou tl s a ll Ur 4 OLD FASHIONED I. I 1 III f Iii 7 ra r- r a res Days a s Longer on s t I AT BIG NEW SUPER VALUE SPECIAL I a ar r h j S. S w sPACE i 7 ii I 1 4 4 indUS l lI I tr i R I G OAr C r. r I I cold co zones I II I ll I 3 44 M rY RE E rr r j r f S HOIlE Ith OF A a r r 4 I r 1 S x Y S rrT MORE convenience I doYt P a Y t ct co tt 11 u r. r 1 4 I sma AJ ft tit I Mode Shown f J 14 J J J 17 If I Ho 1 I I the Miser the famous Trays Trays within withIn Jih I T Thousands h s 5 PrevIous Previously I y S Sold Cf 0 Id a at at 75 cold making cold making mechanism that stant Cube Release Trays kc does a powerful Job lob on a come out at a touch finger trickle of current Sealed-in Sealed cubes pop up one or a aYes Dot Yes that that's th cuts cut's 5 right Heres Here's s room and plenty of it at keeping fresh or frozen meats more space for steel oiled for life protected dozen by simply lifting a I p tes nearly 8 cubic feet of food storage space More keeping leafy vegetables and fruits dewy detry fresh for 5 years lever usable space on the flat top more frozen food more usable shelf space for other foods In fact II storage in the big Super-Freezer Super more room for more of everything you want inside and out I I i 1 hit A Y i. i I WHY WAIT BUY NOW j lac ca 1 letl Axelrad's Offer You a Hydrator Hydrator all all porcelain Super-Freezer-Holds Super up tip f 1 t r width full-width and glass glass topped to 30 Ibs lb frozen food i 1 Price rice Guarantee Certificate erti ica e Slides In and out on on roller- roller Trays will make make t Multi Multi- bearings Keeps fruits and 8 Ibs lbs of ice cubes and dewy Purpose Tray freezes meat meal vegetables crisp on the purchase of any Refrigerator We will protect you against lower fresh for days or keeps it frozen prices Come in Ask for full details f YOU CAN ALWAYS SHOP FURNITURE CARPET CARPETTO TO ADVANTAGE AT APPLIANCE CO SOUTH STATE ST. ST s |