Show World News Today New Disorders Rock Italy in Farm Strike Complied From o Doily Dally News Service CT UP AP Al' and INS Reports ROME OME May 25 UP New New disorders broke out in both the north and south of Italy as the thc farm strike which has already resulted In two deaths and over O injured entered its eighth day Police Pollee arrested more than Ulan strikers who invaded farms fought with workers and tried to occupy land At Andria near the Adriatic port of Earl Ban some 2000 strikers marched onto farmland Police drove them put out and arrested their leader the leader the secretary of the local dominated Communist-dominated of labor In i northern Verona strikers also sought to occupy farms but were driven out by police In running fighting during which police used their clubs more than 30 strikers were injured Near Venice 23 persons were arrested following fighting between striking and workers Attlee Attle e Scathes Party Rebels Prime Minister Attica Attlee laid down the law personally to more than 70 Laborite members of parliament who have been straying from the Labor party line Anxious to restore a united front against the growing challenge of Winston Vinston Churchill's Conservatives Attlee and party leader Herbert Herbert Herbert Her Her- bert Morrison faced the rebels at a closed door session in the house of commons I It was considered certain that they rebuked the rebels severely for recent voting against party instructions and insisted on loyal the future I The Attlee cabinet is plainly worried about the lack of party discipline in the face of the oncoming general elections of next summer Lummer China Reds Exhorted to Free Asia The Communist radio in Wednesday night broadcast speeches of delegates assembled to celebrate the victory at Shanghai Speakers exhorted Chinese Communists to strive to liberate all of Asia Among those the radio said attended were Li Chi San anti- anti leader Chang Lan of the Democratic league and representatives representatives representatives rep rep- of the Nationalist peace delegation A group of Nationalist peace delegates from Shanghai and arid Nan Nan- king were in when negotiations collapsed a few weeks ago They reported to the Chinese government in Canton that they were being detained by the Communists when a plane was sent to return them to Nationalist areas Matthews Takes Cabinet Oath Francis P. P Matthews 52 Omaha attorney was sworn in at Washington Wednesday as secretary of the navy Matthews S succeeds John L. L Sullivan who resigned after Defense Secretary Louis Johnson scuttled the navys navy's proposed Cabinet members armed service officials and other ranking government officials attended the swearing in ceremony in Johnsons Johnson's office at the Pentagon Judge Edward A. A Tamm of the District of Columbia federal court admin administered the oath Dan A. A Kimball Los Angeles was sworn in as navy undersecretary undersecretary undersecretary tary and Gordon Gray Winston Salem N. N C. C as army tary Kimball has been assistant secretary of navy for air and Gray army assistant secretary Defense Undersecretary Stephen T. T Early administered the oath to Kimball Johnson swore in Gray Britons Reported Missing in Moscow The British foreign office reported in London Wednesday that six persons employed by the thc British embassy in Moscow had disappeared disappeared disappeared and a seventh attempted suicide because of persecution by Soviet police A foreign office spokesman said Sir Maurice Peterson British ambassador in Moscow had protested to the Soviet foreign office against the persecution of locally hired embassy personnel but had bad received no satisfaction The spokesman also accused Russia of refusing to grant reentry visas to British employee of the embassy Britain will retaliate with a like attitude toward of the Soviet embassy here he said Malay Rebels Number A British colonial expert said aid in London Communist rebels In Malaya probably number fewer than armed men Malcolm MacDonald commissioner general for southeast Asia told newsmen however that the cover provided by the thick jungles may permit the armed bands to resist for some months to come MacDonald has returned to London for consultations with government government government gov gov- officials I |