Show Funerals Funeral Funeral services for Bertha etha M. M 1 Archer will wl be held from Evans and Early 1st South at Last East ats ats Friday at 3 pm p.m. Friends may call cal until time of services sen Interment Interment Interment Inter Inter- ment will wl be made In la Lawn Memorial park pak Services tEIS Services for 8 S Everett Ever Ever- elI ett rl R. R R Beers Beer son of Mr and Mrs Mra Frank C. C Beers of or ave c. will willbe willbe 11 be conducted Thursday 1030 m. a-m. am In Inthe Inthe inthe the mortuary 1 5 N. N Main b by W. W E. E Stoker b bishop hop Military honors In Jo tie the le leI city cemetery by the h American Le Le- plon gion I n. n cew Friends ltee s bJ may atm hatm call Wednesday Jd e from to pm p.m. at the J Joseph Jo Jc seph William Taylor Tolor Memorial mortuary mor mar JO IU Funeral services for Flight Officer Elden Dean Dea Bennion formerly of 17 1728 8 Roberta son of ot the lato late Karren aren H. H and ad Ethel Etbel Layne Layn BennIon will be held Thursday at atI wi 1 I pm p.m. In the Rose ROe room room 36 Bas East South with President Adiel Adle F. F Stewart officiating The family will wi meet friends at nt the mortuary Thursday Thurs Thurs- day dllY one ont hour prior to services Graveside Graveside Grave Grave- Gr e side military rites under direction of American Legion post pst No 2 at the Wasatch Lawn Memorial park pak Funeral Fu- Fu F- F octal directors Deseret Desere Mortuary CARLSON mo mora Graveside ra services for F O Carl Cui Emanuel Emanue Carlson will Wl be beheld beheld beheld held Thursday at 12 noon non In thew tho the W Wasatch a a a sat a t c Ii h Lawn memorial park Friends may mav call cal at the Larkin mor- mor fO E E. South Temple Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day from 10 1030 30 to 11 1130 30 am a.m. Interment Interment Inter Inter- ment under direction of the Larkin mortuary Funeral services for Jr Crissie Lawson Chapman mm will 1 be bc held from First Firt Baptist church Friday 12 2 noon In charge charce charlo of Rev Rov Fenwick T. T Fowler Friends Friend may call at Evans E and Early fly 1st South at East It until 11 am Friday I and at the First r Baptist lIN ch church hl one half rl dh hour r prior I to services Interment will wi be bo made In Mt r. r Olivet O cemetery Cr T Funeral services for Lee Christopher will vill wi be conducted Thursday nt 3 p Tun pm in In the tho mortuary Chanel E B South Temple Tem Tern ole with wih H. H 1 Hudson Webb ebb officiating Friends ma may call cal at It the mortuary Wednesday from 6 f to S pm p.m. pr and Thursday from 10 am arn until tune time of services Interment In Wasatch I awn Memorial park under direction of or the tue mortuary 1 EANS Funeral l services for tor Vialet Violet Via Vio let Jensen Jensco Evans E will wi be conducted Friday at 1 12 noon non In the Larkin mor- mor chapel 26 E. E South Temple with wih Bishop A. A Clifton CUron Jacobsen of the Marlborough ward officiating Friends may call at the mortuary Fiends cal Tuesday d from 4 to 8 pm p.m. and Friday from r 10 b a am rn t until time of t services e gl Interment In Wasatch Lawn Memorial park Juk under direction of Larkin more moon luSty itow t Services r for Roy Douglas u G Grow r of T Twin Falls rl tI Ida a. a former rn e Salt Sail resident and husband of Martha Gunderson Grow and son ln of Mr and nd Mrs srA N Harry Har Grow of ot 2115 East will be conducted Thursday at t 2 pm p.m. wi In the tho th mortuary N Main by Bishop Jess Watson Interment In city cemetery Friends m may call rai Wednesday I to pm p.m. and ad Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day rAY prior to lo services at tho the Joseph William Taylor Memorial mortuary MAl Feral nn WARD Funeral services for tor Charles Charies G. G Hayward of 1303 Westminster West West- Wrt minster ave e will be held hel Thursday w at 1 pm p.m. at al the tho Jenkins funeral chapel So State Stale Pres Pre Lament Lamont Gunderson officiating Friends may call cal Wednesday evening e until 8 30 p pm m and Thursday prior to services at the mortuary Interment In Midvale Mid Mid- ld vale lle city cemetery Funeral directors A Allen len Sod and Soffe Sote Funeral Funeral services for tor Leila Lela Hayden Hard Howe wilt will bo be conducted C at Evans and Early g I 11 let 1st South at East ats ats at 2 p pm p.m. m In la charge chue of Rev W V Malcolm Gwaltney Private Family requests no flowers Interment will wi bo be made In Mt t. t Olivet cemetery Wi V E Funeral services for tor Edward Hunter of Farming too Utah husband of Minnie Nielsen We will be held Thursday at 1 pm p.m. in the wi North ton ward fm with Bishop John Ivan Jvan Hess of officiating officiating or of- wih Friends ma may call at the French room In the mortuary 36 East South until Wednesday at 1 pm and at the tue family ramly residence In Farmington ton Wednesday after ner 5 p pm m and Thursday y prior I to services rd iet ietto tom t Funeral er d directors t r D Deseret m mortuary ii |