Show BANKRUPTCY NOTICE In the United States District Court for or the District of Utah In the mater matter matter mat mat- I ter er of Florence Carol Carolyn n Leggat Bankrupt Bankrupt Bank- Bank rupt No To the creditors creditor of Florence Carolyn Leggat of 1879 Lincoln St St. Salt Lake City Litah tah a bankrupt b. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that aid said Florence Carolyn Leggat has hl been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition petition peti- peti tion lon filed flied b by hei het on March 1949 1999 and nd that the first meeting of her credItors creditors cred- cred tors will be held at Federal In n Salt i Lake ake City Utah on June 8 3 8 1999 1949 at 10 1030 30 o'clock nm am at which place and tm the said creditors may attend prove their claims appoint a trustee appoint a committee of ot creditors cred cred- tors examine examine- the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly comp como before said meeting Dated at SniT Salt Lake City Utah May Oth 1949 T T. T D D. D LEWIS LLWIS Referee in Bankruptcy |