Show One Good S Service We e ee Get e for or Tax ax Dollars Public Safety Commissioner Romney has announced that the health department department depart depart- ment merit will again carry out this year an program of spraying garbage cans with insecticide City health authorities claim claim and and we think justly that that this spraying project has been chiefly responsible for a sharp reduction in the number of flies in the city It isa is IB a that the fly n of the city is only 15 per cent of what it used to be Last year some garbage containers containers containers con con- were sprayed with a DDT solution tion This summer a combination of 5 per cent DDT solution and 2 per cent chlordane will be used because the latter insecticide is effective against certain kinds of flies which are not killed by DDT Spraying is done by a team of board of health in a jeep They spray cans which are put out by householders householders householders house house- holders on garbage collection days In addition the group inspects cans and tags those without covers and those so badly worn as to require replacement Owners are instructed to replace inadequate inadequate inadequate quate containers Cost of this program is nominal It will cost only a little more than a penny a container to have garbage cans sprayed twice during the coming sum sum- mer That is a mighty small price to pay for this fly abatement program It Itis Itis Itis is incidentally a typical example of the kind of municipal service we receive in return for our tax dollars services dollars services of health protection safety recreation etc which we are all too prone to forget when we let out a yelp of protest at the size of our tax bill |