Show PRODUCE N lS QUOTATIONS TIO S EGI Eggs Loose Eggs Loose Loose price Nice extra for carton car u. ton loo grade grado AA Sic Ilc grade A large SIC I grade grado A A. A medium 47 47 grade grado 13 B. B large lUhe 4 8 9 c. c Butter three Ninety three Ninety score 66 92 score core 90 DO score Cheese Twenty tour Twenty pound triplets 3 ie Ic 12 longhorns lb 5 Ib loaf CHICAGO May ay 25 UP Produce UP-Produce Produce Live l poultry 27 27 1 trucks the market steady fryers Fryers White e Rock H k Springs SprIngs Cray Gray Gray Crosses White Rock bareback SOc Cheese Twins Twins 31 3 ic c single daisies 33 longhorn 35 Il e processed loaf 34 3 c Swiss 54 5 Butter Huler pounds Iund the market marle nervous 93 score 5 J c 92 score 8 c 90 DO score acore 89 score 54 e carlots carlol 90 DO score acore 57 7 ic c 89 score 55 l ic c. c Eggs browns and whites whites cases cae the market easy eay extras 70 A and over o J c 1614 6 I e 0 47 In Ac c extras 60 to Lo ft A A. A J 15 5 12 Q standards standard 43 44 c current current current cur cur- rent receipts 41 n c c c dirties 39 Vic c checks checkl NEW YORK ToniC May 25 UP Produce UP-Produce UP Produce Potatoes Eo Potatoes Easy Easy Idaho Russets 50 ibs bs U. U S 5 No 1 3 JOO 00 asked Dressed poultry Irre Irregular lar chicken chIckens 33 iC 33 fowls fowl I. I S Long Lon Island lland ducks Sc broilers 59 GOc Live poultry Steadier poultry Steadier Steadier old roosters 23 rabbits boilers boier 25 43 Ic Cheese uld Quiet single dallies daisies 34 36 c. c Butter Duller pounds the market weaker creamery higher than tan 92 02 acore ore AA 60 60 I. I c 02 92 score A A. A 5 SOU 59 c- c Eggs Eggs cases the the- market markel firm to w weaker al |