Show II u. u 1 S OBLITERATES 1 f TES' TES UTAHN'S UT AHNS AHN'S SCULPTURE The unity monument In n process of construction on the sandstone sandstone sand sand- stone cliffs 16 miles south of Moab In n recent months is officially obliterated obliterated ob according to N. N F. F Waddell Waddell Wad Wad- dell special agent In charge of the U. U S S. S division of investigation Sponsored by several southeastern southeastern southeast southeast- em ern ern n Utah civic civic groups the mo u- u bent was being by A. A L L. L Christensen Moab It depicts the faces of President Roosevelt and Wendell L. L Winkle Willkie G GO GOP 0 P presidential candidate an eagle with outstretched outstretched outstretched out out- stretched wings and the inscription Unity with God we stand one for all all for one Th The eagle was reported reported reported re re- re- re ported to have faced In jn the wrong direction Mr Waddell would give no reason rea tea reason teason son for the obliteration |