Show Ready Y Program of American Swedish Songs g v v v i v I i 1 1 r. r J y i J JI I 4 tes t s i. i 1 4 t t i 1 t I r f Y i s a. a t f. f SWEDISH SINGERS PREPARE NUM NUMBERS BERS FOR EVENING PERFORMANCE Standing Standing- left to right Hyrum Swenson Alton R. R Erikson Rudolf D. D Lindgren seated is isI Rider C. C Waring I I City i Prepares Last as Free Summer simmer Fete Salt Lake music lovers will willave have ave but one more opportunity to take advantage of the free summer summer musi musical al entertainment programs sponsored by the Salt Lake City recreation department when final presentation of the series is given Thursday at 8 pp p. p m m. at the Fairmont park Greek theater theater theater the the- ater 2245 McClelland street Featured on the program willbe will willbe willbe be Swedish and American songs sung by the Gustaf Adolf male chorus directed by Rider C. C Waring Waring Waring War War- ing and musical selections by Vic Vie Smiths Smith's accordion band Dan Dancing Ing numb numbers rs by the GranIte GranIte Granite Gran Gran- ite L D S stake M MIA I A directed by Sylvia Nilsen n vocal and instrumental ins instrumental ru mental menta selections and novelty acts will complete th the program programs At the c conclusion of the program program program pro pro- gram members of the audience will join with the male chorus in singing God Bless America J |