Show j M INDORSES ALUNITE PLANT I Iu MARYS MARYSVALE VALE I Urges Operation 14 Be Awarded To Salt Lake Firm I Extraction of from limite unite in a plant with a ca caI capacity ca- ca I of tons of ore a day It PiUte county I n ra recommended to the war I d department Thursday by the of production manage- manage f nent the Associated Press re- re re- re 1 t from Washington D. D C. C I The operation would be carried I CA u b by Inc of Salt Lake LakeI I City Cily and is part pert of I tins ions announced by William S. S 1 Knudsen 0 P M director to inease inthe in- in fc ease e the nations nation's output of I Lumina rumina by pounds I r. r is an intermediate step In the ture of aluminum Production of hf from rom romu u ite has not been accomplished a commercial scale but but Ml operations have been contacted con con- laded for some sam time by In lad luf the press dispatch quoted i hington officials as stating financing in Doubt 1 L Dr Arthur Fleischer research manager for the Salt Lake City fiTs firm said h he had no information tik athe he the 0 P M recommendations jk how construction of a plant might be financed ie e said Frank Eichelberger pany president is now in Islington D. D C. C conferring kb fa officials on details for pro- pro uon tion of in Utah the Hie company has research lab- lab stories but has no plant for Production induction on a commercial scale added saying the company has toned Planned to erect a plant to handle 1 w tons Ions of oxides a day which yuld uld require processing of ap- ap tons daily of aluMe alu- alu Me kie ore Two plants with a combined capacity of pounds A annually were tended by Mr Knudsen for i hun on J ii In Arkansas one at Bauxite and the other at a place to be d the dispatch said ALCOA COA Would Operate These plants would be con- con and operated by the I I ComPany of America I MV u the tte government would retain I Posed p- p Mr Mr- Knudsen proPosed pro- pro that the R it F C establish an agency to buy ores and set act Prices for sal sale alft of RH Should 3 the recommendations be carried I out the nations nation's 2 would be approximately I dl dispatch pounds P a year the I said is used or r lion Water r treatment and t on as weil as for the ure Of aluminum num an and rec immen- immen for these thes uses w will n be Patch latch lade nade later said i by the 0 P PM- PM M the disPatch dis- dis |