Show CRASHES CAUSE INJURIES TO 9 were Injured in persons Nine line crashes Wednesday af after after- terY ter- ter rattle H evening in the Salt Lake Lakey and Y se n Thurs Thurs- Thu reported 5 mn police y area p ja automobile truck truck automobile automobile collision at East and Second South resulted in face cuts foret for forth fth Ralph drivers drivers R Ralph lph G. G Matern et th South Eighth West street 1520 1 and Jack McCary McCaron McCar- McCar rock rack ck operator on 1073 Third avenue driver 20 iu y 11 the car f t ort w 4 JohnnY 5 East h East oo south street and his mother irs Theras 40 suffered hurts when a car operated or 53 collided in Mr y rant of 10 West Fourth South Southy Lf treet with an automobile j I by bV y V. V Homer Nelson 24 21 1296 avenue L Li L C G C. Kyle 42 East South emple street suffered face and bruises and abrasions hen Ihen the cat car he was driving col- col ded in m the 1400 block on Beck street reel with a second a automobile Lillie 31 p ra et d by Ralph lph C C. Lillie 31 given as Second East street reel JIrS Mrs irs James E. E England 28 Soft SiXth avenue riding in a car in en I by her husband and Lewis Baran Bar- Bar 00 an 22 Layton driver of a second automobile suffered minor minot in- in j nes ries when the machines collided A Fifth West and Second South streets Edward rEdward N. N Desideri 27 Fort D Douglas uglas and Bernice Freeman 25 Herriman received police emergency emer- emer gency ncy hospital treatment Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day night for bruises and back suffered in a accident near Salt Lake il l airport but police had no re rep report re- re p port rt of the accident Jack yack E. E Barnett 23 West North street driver and andElmo andImo Elmo DIno Imo G. G Collard 21 Second venue a passenger r injured seri- seri when their car collided early in the 1500 block Wednesday on Beck eck street with a ton 10 truck vat ere in fairly good and fair tion respectively at L D S b spiral rS Margaret argaret M. M Fowler 24 5 SegO avenue another victim the accident was reported in erious condition at St. St Marks Mark's spital and Miss May Stevenson K 1151 Michigan avenue fourth fourth occupant of the coupe was reported report report- id ed poor at Salt Lake General t fairs lira rs Anie nie Ericksen 64 l Ninth mth I th East street victim of a Sun- Sun Suny y evening pedestrian automobile-pedestrian was in poor condition t L D S hospital |