Show Molesting Case ase Waits Facts On Boys Boy's Age The case of a Farmington youth alleged to have molested a 14 wH year old Wednesday Salt in Lake Parleys Parley's City girl irl canyon e early iy was awaiting determination of his true true age Thursday police pollee crime prevention bureau officers re re- re ported He gave his age when first taken into custody as 19 years later said he was but 17 His automobile operators operator's license po po- po lice say shows him to be 18 Birth records are being checked by of officials of- of to settle the question Lieutenant T. T L. L Dykes said he will be charged with disorderly conduct in either Juvenile or city police court and reported the youth made made- his way to police pollee headquarters after the girls girl's mother allegedly displayed a gun when she and a friend located him following the girls girl's return home |