Show Produce J Markets BUTTER LOS BUTTER LOS ANGELES 92 score 91 ESS score 5 36 6 90 score 34 34 h 89 score 32 CHEESE SAN CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO I Triplets Triplet 23 EGGS SALT EGGS SALT LAKE CITY Large white specials dozen LAK V 1 36 36 Large white extras dozen 35 35 Lar Large e standards dozen 34 34 5 Medium white extras dozen 33 NEW YORK YORE Aug Au 21 AP Butter AP-Butter- Buter AP-Buter- Butter Butter- Receipts pounds firmer Creamery higher than 92 92 score and premium premium pre pre- marks 92 score cas cash market markel 35 35 c 91 93 score score 32 2 61 34 c 87 84 score Cheese Receipts c pounds high high- erCh g 1436 er en Priced f d unchanged Eggs Receipts cases steady stead to firm Mixed MIned colors color fancy tancy to extra fancy c extra c storage stor stor- age jee Packed firsts first 29 2914 29 c craded graded grade firsts se 28 c mediums dirties No 1 average checks 25 2534 Whiten resal s of premium marks Nearby Near and midwestern pre pre- miu marks 35 specials standards c of exchange to to tacy fancy heavier mediums 33 Me Slums resale of commercial to fancy tancy and heavier pullets nearby near near- by and midwestern pullets pee pee- wees 21 Browns Nearby Near and midwestern f fancy i ansia to extra fancy 35 J tOc specials setI standards mediums 31 Duck eggs 29 Pacific coast coat whites Jumbo Jumbo and pre re specials 40 2 standards c. c 38 39 A c mediums 35 NEW YORK YORE Aug 21 AP Dressed AP-Dressed AP Dressed poultry Irregular Fresh boxes fowls 60 0 to 65 pounds 22 frozen boxes boxe fowls owls 60 to 65 pounds 22 Other Othe fresh tresh and frozen froze prices unchanged Live poultry steady By freight chickens rocks colored Broilers rocks 19 colored 18 5 t jOc fowls I c colored leghorns 17 l old ld roosters rs 6 Ducks g By express chickens crosses 20 broilers rocks fancy tancy 20 mostly most most- ly Iy y colored 18 reds lOc leghorns 21 Fowls colored southern south south- em ern ern- ern SOc leghorns leghorn 18 southern Old roosters Ducks south south- em ern rn I CHICAGO Aug Au 21 AP AP Live Live poultry Receipts 48 trucks steady to firm poul br broil l. l ers era 2 R pounds and down Plymouth rocks 20 O c e a springs 4 pounds un g il up Plymouth ut utO rocks s Sic under 4 pounds gun Plymouth rocks c other prices un un- changed Butter Buter Receipts pounds pounds- firm n creamery 93 score other ther oter prices unchanged Eggs Receipts cases canes firm fresh graded extra firsts local 29 h c cars firsts local cars car 28 c storage stor- stor to age packed firsts 30 IA c other prices price un un- changed LOS ANGELES Aug Au 21 AP AP Prod Prod- uce ce exchange receipts Butter cases pounds ses cheese chee pounds Buter eggs 1248 Butter auter in bulk 37 c. c Candled Candied do small large lare elg eggs do medIums |