Show of Continent Urged Upon British By DREW MIDDLETON LONDON Aug 21 AP Unofficial AP-Unofficial Unofficial English Polish and Norwegian strategists raised a anew ew Thursday their cries for a British invasion of the contin continent nt as the only way to defeat Ger Ger- many Current R RAF A F bombings of Germany Germany Germany Ger Ger- many and occupied territories territories- were deemed insufficient Frank Owen editor of Minister of Supply Lord Beaverbrook's Evening Evening Evening Eve Eve- ning Standard demanded a second second second sec sec- ond front and not only in the air alrIn In a signed editorial Owen suggested suggested suggested sug sug- a a- British offensive against Italy long favored by some some military military military mili mili- tary sources as the spot where the axis co could ld be hit hardest Many Polish and Norwegian milItary military military mil mil- men have urged the British to attempt landings along the European European European Eu Eu- coastline Once a weak spot were found these men believe enough h British and allied forces could be landed to overcome local resistance to dig in and open a new front F Favored particularly by Poles and Norwegians is a landing in Norway north of Narvik They offer three reasons for such a landing I 1 Norwegian troops in England are said to b be better equipped to fight in that territory 2 Once a landing had been made a condor would be be- opened through Finland to soviet Russia cutting off the Finnish Finnish Finnish Fin Fin- nish port of of Petsamo 3 Norwegians at home have been reported ready to rebel against the Germans at the first sign sign of of outside help |