Show I Spanish Fork Notes Noles r I Eugene Jacobsen and student stu dent of the Chicago Musical college is s here for far a two weeks' weeks visit with his parents Mr and Mrs Alts Carl Call M. M Jacob- Jacob sen While here he will vill appear in concert with the Brigham Young Youn university uni upi upi- symphony orchestra in Provo March larch 4 Members of the Guardian club o othe of ol f the he Second L. L D D. D S. S ward wald Mutual under under un der del the direction of or their teacher Miss Hiss Bethel Ta Taylor lor entertained a athe at athe atthe l the he ward Relief society hall Wednesday Wednesday Wednes day evening in honor of their mothers moth I ers A program was pre presented unde under the direction of Miss Nita Gardner Miss Marba Bri Briggs gs entertained d I members of the Jesters' Jesters club dub at he her dr r home Thursday evening Mrs Lois Loh Anderson of Pioche Nev Nov was a a special special cial guest Three Spanish Fork business ss men P. P P P. P Thomas president and A. A E E. Money and Joseph Hansen directors are officers of th the n new nV V Commercial bank of at II H libber ber City which opened d I yesterday in the remodeled quarters quarter ds s o 0 of tire tilt closed bank of ot Heber Cit City Mont Swenson who is attending school at the U U. S S. S A A. C. C at Logan i is n visiting during the week end end with his mother Mrs Hannah Swenson The Stephen Markham camp o of oC f the Daughters of Utah Pioneers ha has s received word from the Utah Central company that it has ha been granted the Pioneer Dau Daughters Daughters' official marker to be placed on the site of ol the old Indian farm fann reservation This is the first of oC this kind of ol marker to be placed in Utah count county I. I Miss Lora Jones and Jay Jones students of at the U. U S S. S A. A C C. C of Logan are arc spending the weekend week week with their mother Mrs 1 Evelyn Jones Jone I |