Show Kiwanis Club Indorses Indorse I Community Chest Drive OGDEN The OGDEN The Ogden KIwanis club Thur Thursday day noon in ir Dicks Dick's care cafe voted unanimously to indorse the Ogden community chest campaign following a 1 talk by George orge H. H Lowe who said that was expended for relief in Weber county count in January This means Mr Lowe said that every third person one meets is on on- relief relict and it also means that the morale of the country is going down The chest 10 is for the purpose of building build build- ing up the morale of the community and should be given wholehearted support of ol Ogden residents the speaker asserted No decision boxing bouts formed the entertainment feature of ot the meeting The participants were were Elmo Jensen and Marcus Parry and Darrell Jones and Doyle Simpson Arthur Smalley acted as referee and J. J Quill was timekeeper |