Show Representative Will Try to Cut Hay Ban BanAt BanAt BanAt At Entomologist Meet BOISE P Governor P Governor C. C Ben Ro Ross announced Thursday night that thai Idaho will be represented t rt zt t a meeting o of state entomologists and other officials in Urbana Ill next week in iii an attempt to modify or remove some of the restrictions against Idaho ha hay Owing to the seriousness of the hay overstock situation in Idaho during the past season the governor governor gover nor said and efforts made b by the state to overcome the quarantine e embargoes of the various states Commissioner of or Agriculture F. F Lee Johnson and State Entomologist Entomologist gist Dr Dro Cla Claude de Wakeland are to attend a meeting of state entomologists entomologists and other state of officials to be beheld beheld beheld held at Urbana Ill next week They will attend with the expectation expectation ex ex- of at least modifying if it not removing some of the restrictions restrictions restrictions placed against Idaho hay hay hayat at atthe atthe atthe the present time he lie said |