Show 1 RUBBER COMPANY WILL OPEN STORE Following the expenditure of oC 25 in remodeling a group of build ings at Second East and Second South streets the Goodyear Tire and fl Rubber Rubber Rub Rub- ber will retail company open a jer er- ervice vice store J. J B. B Castleton branch manager of or the Goodyear company announced Friday Formal opening will take place shortly after March 1 he s said id The store will be complete and will provide service for lor the entire Intermountain intermountain inter inter- mountain country according to Mr Castleton The Goodyear firm irm has taken a along along along long term Jen lease c on the corner from the Shell Oil company ant and will continue continue con- con the operation of the station now located there during remodeling operation op opo Twelve Twel will work in the store which will ill be under the management man man- gement of H H. H M. M Rush according to the official |