Show a WHEN I ITS IT'S 1 COLD SERVE IT HOT a Vh When n the frost is on the window pane put Shredded Wheat hot on the breakfast table Its It's warming healthful and delicious delicious you'll you'll like it Dip biscuits in hot bot water water drain drain and serve with milk or cr cream am SHREDDED WHEAT NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Uneeda takers takers' WHEAT k elte B I u h hill ill NATURAL CHEESE Is rich in vitamin A and contains all the original inal digestive enzymes of pure WHOLE milk Its tasty zestful flavor will suit you to a TV TL Melts and spreads like butter Excellent for sandwiches salads and cooked cheese dishes Does not cook stringy is the only domestic NATURAL cheese sold in n packages Three Kinds Pimento American Dutch Lunch 1 r us In n Grocers Grocer's Refrigerator r I HI ill 3 WOK AT WITH EDITH MV MY WHAT PEP THAT GIRL HAS i LL L BET SH nc E DIDN'T t Lt r K ISN ISN'T t HAVE TO WASH CLOTH 15 rt a ALL DAV OAY TODAY x c lr wI x p I LIK t l DID i r r 1 J A w jj i x Controversy always follows the introduction of any new scientific discovery But no discovery in years probably has caused causal so much heated discussion and had so reaching far effects as this one See Sec what happened to these two housewives N paY i IT WAS DEADLY F FOR FORMEl O R I SIMPLY WONT WON r ON WASN'T THE DON'T DONT r MEl WAS SO TERRIBLY WHY I JUST LIT LET THEM USE U S E THOSE E S STROM 6 r T YOU KNOW PARTY WONDERFUL LAST tAST OF COURSE I SCRUB IS if A NEW TIRED HAD TO JN IN SUPS SUDS GRANULATED SOAPS MIGHT I 1 HAD HAO A MY CLOTHE CLOTHEr CLOTHE 5 j INVENTION THAT'S f WASH CLOTHES ALL AND THEY COME OUT TRIED ONE ONCE AND AND GOOD TIME PAY DAY YESTERDAY r HOW DO YOU DO 00 IT It 1 CLEAN IT PRACTICALLY RUINED ABSOLUTELY SAFE APE MV MY IT FLUSHES DIRT OUT COLORED THINGS IN IS 15 Y WHY I WASHED 0 YES E D Y BUT IT WAS JO SO r fi f EASY JAKE YOU o 1 I c S SOONY MEAN TO ME YOU c STILL RUB AND ANO SCRUB CLOTHES li liI 1 i r le I LATER ONE W FK LAT LATER K IS WHY MINUTES WHY LOOK toOK HERES HERE'S A OH JOHN I DISCOVERED AN I INSULT I LL iri YOU LITTLE PRINT WONDERFUL uL PRINT TH THE THI MOST TO MY ONLY 15 MINUTES ll TRUE COMEDOWN ll DOWN MARJORIE S TH T WHO EVER HEARD AND THOSE CLOTHE A ARE OF JANE YOURE YOU'RE JUST J NEW WAY TO WA WASH W. W TO 70 MV MY BASEMENT BASEMEN T I IVE I'VE Y E W WASHED HED AT LEAST MARVELOUS rf 0 OP F SUCH ATHING WONDERFULLY WM WHITE T H WO NO OR SCRUBBING IT AND ILL I'LL PROVE ROYE ITIS BUT EDITH AK AR F Y YOU OU 14 TIMES 1 IN N WHAT'S HAPPENED JUST 15 IS MINUTES r POSITIVE THAT SOAP DOESN'T IT T tOOK LOOK DIDN'T YOU WASH I SO AKING IN SU SUDS S I I Is sa LIKE UKE NEW TODAY AND YOU IOU SI SHOULD SIC SI I MO HOW w WHITE HITE AA AND CLEAN CLEANTHE CLEANTHE C CD D THE THC CLOTHES ARt ARC I r ll 1 j I I j v I I I I j jIT's s s r ITS IT'S T TRUE RUE tiE L. L THERE IS IA A NEW WAY IN WASHING WASHING- SAYS SOAKS CL CLOTHES OTHES rl Ao tl 1 Y DOESN'T DOESN T FADE A THING AIMING 4 REAl READ THESE TRY FACTS FACTS IT YOURSELF G 1 Mrs 0 O. O R. R 7 tf t i. i 1 1670 Edwards Edward Ave I New Million Dollar 2 2 to 3 times faster than less modern modem Springfield in g Ohio a h soaps ar t- t Granulated 1 Soap Invention y lion tion Combines Safety Second sets Second sets u up p a unique nc new v soak and flush F I year yeara D O tried ago a j- j l With WI h UtA Utmost moat Speed washing g action 15 minutes' minutes waking soaking loo loosens ens dirt no scrub son r At out so it flushes without I I I. I I- I Last at A Safe Safo Fast Fast- away WIthout awaY scrubbing or certainly it could bo be a bl 1 Washing Assam S Soap That boil boiling ill g het help p on if It would r i II Actually Loosens Dirt Out of Clothes in in 15 IS You do all th the advertisement cut washing g time 25 eo to 40 in tub r Minutes Minutes' Soaking Soaking And And Gets or is r Them 4 aid But put alas ala it w to 5 machine You hours of oC wa Wu so ao save e long soaks soaking rig scrub b i. i Shades Whiter Than Other Soaps Without bing and strong trong it faded my colored col col- fE boiling you boiling clothes get clean and you white One Bit of t Scrubbing or Boiling without washboard ored red thine thin a terribly That W wear and tear New and experience wa wu was enough for m me j Improved oL is different from And yet due to its special formula its formula its special But this thU fall my aunt bar came cam to flake volt vilt any chip or ordinary me m. and offered granulated soap p protective combination o of mild ingredients help with wb washday 4 soap p to o The Th fat firt 1 you ou ever used Different in th the its it's thing h. h sold Id w. w made way nay and in in the results it oL is safe 1 Absolutely cly w f a to hands Molly I cant can't n t wash wah Without Os Y dot Well welt the gets re- re l colors and fabrics au lulu ulU of 01 that certainly 1 Due opened on mYn m my rr e e. e 1 to its patented process of or makin making Ve simply P put the C clothes cloth l to soak for IS 15 i I JP minu minutes I dissolves Accept Free Trial ut I In InDue i thick instantly and y completely in hard or soft few of 01 the th dirty ti I s pot ts water vater and does these things I f Send Den d' d your name and d address dd t to o. o P Procter t G Gamble am bI C. C Then hen rinsed rimed them and hun hung them out to dry y It t w. w 1 l 1801 the w j First X Cincinnati smelling wh I 1 gives First gives thick inch 3 suds rich ov Ohio wc Omo-wc well we'll 11 Beer hed And as whipped dal dairy cream eam Suds that to work see you get et a regular lOc package e enough for foe or 2 m my colored things thing were wire just Juit at u bra bright z ht an and d fr fresh freeh h a. a rr ti go on grease full lull washings absolutely free n. n new TIMES dirt dot and even stains stains even in ja the hardest Y Or to avoid delay IN SUDS I Idairy water ct 0 act get today from Crom y your our o own grocer j 2 l 0 rl I I V VI I y Soda Crackers the Crackers the choice of the great rear majority e BECAUSE THEY'RE OVEN-FRESH OVEN w wherever her eve r y you 0 II b buy II Y the them 1 t 0 tY Y 1 I Take e one b rea k one one OJ Th ats at's a suggestion that's a challenge Did you ou evern ever everin i JL m. m in n your our life taste anything so delicate so 50 t 0 crisply tender as an oven oven fresh fresh esh Premium Flake I 1 z d J 6 ll Nearby Uneeda Bakers bakeries make sure I Y that your grocer gets Premium Flakes oven oven- 0 rt w h iesh That t oven freshness oven fr is what makes all the he D 1 I 1 l J difference In in the world when you ou are making makin makina 1 r 0 a pp you want ant something crisp v u vr z 1 and flavory to serve with your soup or salad N P when you want the right hand man man of Jf t I 1 t the cheese cheese and cheese and and cracker course a Its It's P particularly Y economical to i I 1 b bu 0 OVEN FRESH V E 1 N F 1 R E S H HI I 1 i th the bl b. buy uy e big Ig f famil size family amI 1 r sue carton oa in 3 convenient sized packages j I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1 ee 1 N Uneeda Bakers J pREd P of i 1 2 17 Ke I. I Tune in Uneeda Bakers aken Lets ULet's Dance I J 3 solid hours of real rul dance music every I 1 Saturday night from rom until 1230 p y A 1 i over l F I P. P over National Broadcasting stations tl Ir KT AR KOA and m I one half hour later Have a party parry in your home serve home Uneeda serve sene Bakers l t crackers cookies and cakes I i wY iI j ft M ft ft IGA IG A AWI L LWI WI Wf 00 DO O OU PART MIff iR ft ft ST STORES I I 1 F e r SATURDAY Y FOOD SPECIALS i Effective at Salt Lake Murray Magna Riverton Draper Union Pleasant Grove r and Helper r Stores I I RINSO I GR a JELL 0 III Baking A b KING n. Ml 11 Flavors Flavor r Lare Fkr Dh Chocolate oeD aco I a t e P L Ib b Can Can 3 21 C i. i Lb b. b Cake Cako C 11 C n A c. c N Iw e. e R M S Sauer Sauerkraut auer k r aut I Can No 2 lOc Crisco 1 C 03 Ca Can gib a 11 PEARS I 22 K II Wheat it Q II Can Kelloggs Kellogg's e ogg s eke Pk 11 He liC C S Soap 3 bars i Y IP Cream Cereal Sg W 1 Coffee KP LD Do in Red Alaska s Cake Flour lot R Salmon I IG Tan a irs ca Caa 2 for Eor or c Pure Extracts I 2 2 7 II O Oz z s 's Spaghetti a Kett hetti I A Jl Pk c. c 3 for V u Flour S spur P I Grapefruit a Ca Caa o 2 or c i P Pan Pancake anc cak ake e It St I k k lOc lac u n i S Syrup 51 g Blue L b. b Kuo Can C Tomato Juice Tall TaU 3 for 25 c V Can Campbells Campbell's j 1 Catsup I Ir p r 1 14 Oze Grapefruit Juice Juke lw II 1 Tomato Soup No So 2 Can u n Ul s Campbells Campbell's bells 3 cans 2 Ulft rj 1 P P. P Pineapple nea I le e J Juice ulce n ft t S Split P It I Peas 0 2 Ibs lbs Doles No So 2 Can 2 for 2 c t at d r QUALITY MEATS MEATS- FRUITS VEGETABLES- VEGETABLES ft A f PORK PUR K ROASTS Lola ct Cuts Ib Ib 23 C POTATOES u. u Mesh S. S 1 Hand nae nags P t 15 Lbs Sliced Bacon Swifts Swift's Pt- Pt OI R gum gum- Lb r ranges Oranges e Choice DoZ r. r Wrapped r J 2 C si Midget Links Pu S Po u o re k lb Ib Lettuce Calif r 2 for st Large H Ilea s Luncheon Spiced I n rifest Meat Meat lb ID Grape Grapefruit ruit fe 3 L for or lOc I f 3 Pork Loin Rolls Roll s Washington ln Winesap n. n Smoked ID Ib 2 9 c A Apples pp les Extra r pane Fancy 5 6 Lbs 2 c y Phone Thone Phone l t ASOR mtr i c sum Was S Was for lor Your for far Your Tour Ac Nearest are t CO COMMUNITY M M U N Iry BUILDERS au I 1 art C TO COAST I Nearest J. J G G. G A A. I. I G. G A. A Store J elp t it flit you cd u ty 1 Store P t. c |