Show SIX PERSONS HURT WHEN AUTO SKIDS i Car Shoots Off Road Near Farmington Overturns Six persons suffered minor In Injuries Injuries injuries In- In juries early Friday when their automobile automobile auto auto- mobile obile overturned on the s state atc hIghway highway highway high hIgh- way north of Farmington Harry Gross 18 North Twelfth Vest West street driver of the automobile according to police sai said he skidded off oft a curve cury on a soft oft shoulder The injured who wh were vere ere treated at atthe atthe atthe the emergency hospital and released were Mr Gross Gras Melvin Melvln Johnson 18 North First West street Walter Valter Mann 18 North Second Vest West street Miss Mary Williams 14 Hamilton court Grace Tulius Tul- Tul bus Hus 19 73 Fifth East street and Lavera Lavern Kniffing 16 Fourth East street All Ali suffered bruises and minor cuts cut |