Show E Empress of Galapagos' Galapagos Living qing on Isle Belief S sAN DIEGO Cal Cat Feb 22 ti 2 UP Some Somewhere Somewhere here in the Pacific on a tiny island reside the Baroness Eloise Wagner von set self proclaimed Empress of Galapagos Galapagos Gala Gala- pago and anCi Robert according ac ac- 8 according cording to Chief Officer W. W C C. C Scat Seat of ot the yacht Valero III Scat Sat captain of ot G G. Allen Hancock's Hancocks Hancocks Hancock's Han Ifan HanI I cocks cock's yacht has hac Just returned with the Los Angeles oil millionaire and anda a party of oC scientists from the Galapagos Galapa Galapagos Gala Gala- pa os where they investigated the finding of two bodies on Marchena island The baroness barones and her companion I were originally believed to have I been slain by th tl e c third mem member r of the marital triangle Alfred Lorenz former lover of ot the woman Lorenz according to the theory km killed d the two and fled from Charles Charies island with a Norwegian sailor named Their bodies were discovered by bythe bythe bythe the crew of a tuna clipper months ago age but were not identified until Hancock and his party arrived at atthe the th volcanic island Scat Seat said there was no evidence to support the views of other islanders that Lorenz Lorene insane with wilh jealousy when cast aside by the baron baroness ss for PhIllip on killed the pair and fled |