Show ICA CATTLE GRAZING DECREASE SEEN Ranges on the Wasatch National forest provided grazing razing for sheep and cattle and horses during during during dur dur- ing 1934 C. C J. J Olsen forest supervisor supervisor super super- visor vior reported Friday Some reduction from this number probably will be ne necessary essary this year car carb b because ause of last seasons season's drouth Mr Olsen said Permits for lor the 1935 season have not been issued although fees tees have been set Cattle fees over 11 western states stales will average 8 cents per head per month or 7 per cent more than the 1934 rate and sheep fees lees will average average average aver aver- age 27 cents a month or 14 per cent above 1934 according to an Associated ed Press dispatch from Washington D. D C. C These fees are based on the average average aver cr age market price received by livestock livestock livestock live live- stock producers over a term of oC years and are arc adjusted upward or downward downward downward down down- ward according to the trend of oC marcet market mar mar- ket prices received by the producers in n the state concerned The horses and cattle grazed crazed a total to to- tal al of animal months on the Wasatch forest last year and the sheep grazed animal months |