Show Military Pageantry Marks Climax of S. S L. L Observance e Of National Defense WeeK 4 I t y r J i I The Thirty eighth infantry color guard ard which led the first division di dl- vision of the Washington birthday parade and inset Colonel Frederic Jorgensen grand marshal Spectacular Parade Is Reviewed by High Officials By S SHERMAN IAN MILLER nJ LEn Here comes the parade The spontaneous cry that precedes a parade down the line ine of ot march Friday Friday Fri Fri- day afternoon heralded the approach of military uni units marching In Jn the cause of national defense The soldiers as they passed In review re view view also were honoring another great creat fighting man man George George W Washing Washing- ton ton- ton tonn on on n the anniversary of his hi birth It was lilting fitting that the ten test days of ot National Defense week activity should reach a climax and conclusion on the first presidents president's birthday He knew the value of preparedness in jn peacetime and wartime The way to peace is to o prepare for lor war var Julius Caesar said The spirit of or the demonstration was expressed ex ex- pressed in those words Martial J Music To the stirring tunes of ot martial airs alrE bands horses and motorized military equipment passed by in in rapid sion sjon Leading the uniformed men was the grand marshal Colonel Frederic Jorgensen cavalry reserve astride a spirited gray horse A police escort preceded the grand mar narwhal marchal hal and his aide Lieutenant Vietor Vic Vie tor I L L. Olsen Then came the first division headed headed head head- ed by the Thirty eighth infantry with its us new motor equipment The Utah national guard and reserve re reo serve officer units followed In the second division university and high school R. R O. O T. T C. C units marched with the precision of parade ground drilL The third division consisted of the American legion and other patriotic or organizations in colorful uni uniforms or Reviewing the parade from the stand in front of ot the federal building were city county and state oU officials and most mast of ot the ranking military officers officers of of- in this territory Review Parade They were Governor Henry H. H Blood Secretary of at State Slate Milton H. H Welling Mayor Louis Marcus city comm commissioners county commissioners Heber J. J Grant president of the L L. D D. S S. church Brigadier General Pegram Pegram Pe- Pe gram Whitworth Brig Brigadier dier Gen General ral W WG Wc q Williams Colonel A. A F F. Dannemiller Danne Danne- miller and others The parade climaxed the days day's ac m jn honor of the father Lather of ot his country Children of ot Elks club members were entertained at a Washington birthday party in in the clubhouse hithe inthe m in the afternoon A varied program was presented J J. J Reuben Clark Jr first cou counselor clor in in the first presidency of the L. L D. D S S. church chuich and former ambassador to toM M Mexico xico will be the principal speaker at the Washington birthday banquet of the Utah society Sons Sons' of the American Revolution at 7 I p. p m. m in inthe in inthe th the Alta AiLs club Governor and Mrs Blood Mrs Clark and military officers off off- cers will be b guests gutS gut'S of honor The Making of the Constitution Constitution- a historical pageant will will- willbe be present present- presented ed Friday at p. p m. m in Kingsbury hall University of ot Utah under direction direction direction tion of ot William Anderson A birthday party will wm be given by John F. F Critchlow auxiliary No 3 United Spanish War V Veterans at 8 p. p m. m at the state armory A program will be presented and refreshments will be served |