Show Former Utah Official Is Destitute in in Chicago Nearly 40 years ago when hen Utah was about to become a state slate John N. N WhItehead was appointed terri tern orial treasurer by territorial Governor Cover clover nor Caleb West Mr Whitehead post in 1894 and served until Utah entered the Union in 1896 Then he lie retired with balanced accounts and the thanks of other territorial officers with whom he ic sat in council I Since his retirement Utah has hns grown from a n territory to one of ot the leading mining states of the Union But Mr Whitehead has not enjoyed the he same prosperity which his onetime onetime one one- one one- time ime employer has i t He lIe is out of ot work in Chicago and r seeking aid in making a a living His misfortune would have gone unnoticed unnoticed unno unno- by men who vho worked with him himin himin himin in Utah's infant days das had it not been for tor W W. J. J Carey supervisor of the Cook county bureau of public welfare I in Chicago 1 Mr Carey Monday wrote Secretary of ot State Milton H. H Welling saying that Mr Whitehead had applied to the bureau as ns being out of work and asking for tor verification of the applicants applicants applicant's applicants applicant's cants cant's service record here Mr Nc Welling sent the data and asked for Cor further information on Mr Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead White- White head who gave his address as ItS ave Chicago |