Show Not So Long Ago From The Telegram of Nov 13 1923 High Catholic prelates and eminent officials in in inthe the western vestern diocese of the Catholic church began arriving in Salt Lake today to honor the Rt Rev Joseph S. S Glass C. C M. M D. D D D. bishop of ot the Catholic diocese dio pf Salt Lake upon the occasion of oC his silver jubilee signifying his twenty fifth year since h he lie was ordained into the priesthood The c celebration was to begin this evening with a banquet at St St. Marys Mary's academy Tomorrow there will be mass to be officiated by Archbishop Arch bishop Edward J. J H Hanna nna of the San Francisco diocese and In the evening a banquet will be held at the Hotel Utah The shade tr tree commission recently recent recent- ly Iy appointed by the elt city commission reported that additional trees would v be planted in Salt Lake next year Checks amounting to more than will wUl be sent out to sugar beet growers of Utah and Idaho Thursday by the various sugar companies com corn of the state in payment for beets delivered to the factories factories' during during dur dur- ing October The total city school population tion for tor 1923 to is 15 or 15 per cent more mor than last year according to census figures released today j |