Show Salt Lake Briefs I i A DAUGHTER was born to Mr an and Irs rs Robert S. S Patrick Wall st st. t the L L. D. D S. S hospital Sunday morn morn- ng eg Mr Patrick is a compositor for he Telegram Mrs Patrick is the ormea Miss Mary Dixon INITIAL AT ROME HOME program of the ther r- r University of Utah I was held at the Union building Sunday with Dr Arthur L. L Beeley of the sociology dep dep de- de p a as speaker The me programs pros pro's pro pro- s 's grams free to the public will be held each Sunday at 4 kp m. m LACK OF OP FEED and water on winter winter win win- ter sheep ranges in eastern Utah has slowed the move movement ment of flocks f from r o m 5 summer U in m e r Dr Beeley ranges in Colorado Dr W. W H. H Hendricks state ian reporting that only about sheep heep have crossed the border against I last 3 year ear TRANSPORT P PLANES L LAN A N E S of off f United Air Lines with cruising speeds of or miles mUes an hour are flying the equivalent of more f ithan than 13 times around the world i each teach week The planes are com corn 1 j miles every 24 14 4 hours hourt Of this total are aref f flown on the twice daily round round- trips between Salt Lake and Seattle I DANCING DANCING PARTY of a seles se- se les Jes to be given b by the as- as of the Independent Gas and was given iven iven Saturday night it the Belvedere lounge under the direction of Jeannette Osborne R. R H H. Vern E. E Herzog and E. E Margetts M. M Margetts SOUND RE REPRODUCTION ti lion Lien n will wil be discussed and demonstrated demon demon- In a recital lecture-recital at Kingsbury Kingsbury Kings Kings- bury DUry hall hell at the University of Utah Monday at p. p m. m K M. M L Manookin sound engineer engine of the Philco laboratories labors labora tories orIes and Prof Professor Orin Orm and Giles of or the university will be beri I ri charge of the event which will be berce to the public MISS l BENEDICTE I of Denmark girls' girls leader in Celon Ceylon Cey Cey- lon ion India will arrive in Salt Lake Thursday or Friday to be bethe bethe bethe the week we-ek end guest of the local Y W. W C. C A. A as a feature of obI observance ob oh I servance of World Fellowship week She will speak Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day evening at n R meeting at the I clubhouse J ANNUAL charit charity show of ofie he ie e Junior Democratic league of Salt Salte Mire e will be presented November 22 nd d 23 at the Orpheum theater to raise for nee needy y families at Christ Christ- us as MONTHLY MEETING l of or the Utah Association of or Life Lite Underwriters willS will wilt S G held Tuesday at 1215 p. p m. m at tick ick ck Gunns Gunn's cafe Speakers will be beaul beaul aul ul Kimball research director of the late ate te tax commission and Scott Tog Tag Art Insurance t man A. A S. S HEWITT HEVITT of Washington D. D C C. C director of the crop production loan office will be in Salt Lake November 17 to Inspect the Salt Lake regional branch office Ge GeOrge rge S. S Glen man man- ager announced Monday D. D E. E HAMMOND A Salt Lake council scout executive returned Monday from Santa Monica CaL where he at attended attended attended tended a conference of region 12 12 Boy Scouts D D. L. L Roberts field executive who attended the same meeting reI returned re re- I turned Sunday night ANNUAL SCHOOL PLAY of ol Granite Granite Granite Gran Gran- ite high school will be The King Kine Rides By fly The cast will be Everett Gibby Noel Hamilton Margaret Hartley Florence Miller James Chr Christensen Chris Chris- 5 Hal Stanley Gioconda Za Za- pano Agnes Howell Beatrice man Karl Hendrickson Jack P Pappas and Lenore Pardoe Genevieve H. H Wilcox is c director rector RUSSELL HOPTON one of the screens screen's youngest villains was a brief visitor in Salt Lake Sunda Sunday en ro route te teto to New York from Hollywood Although Although Al Al- though only 33 years rears old Hopton has bas been cast in heavy roles ever since 1930 when he began his screen career following success on the New York stage Two of his outstanding characterizations charac were in Min Mm and Bill and andin in m The Criminal Cod Coder He was graduated graduated graduated grad grad- from the New York AgrIcultural Agricultural Agricultural tural college Arriving from the California Cali Call fornia city in a Western Air Express plane Hopton left leU by United Airlines GRANITE HIGH SCHOOL sophomores will hold their annual annual annual an an- nual dance Friday in the school auditorium The committee in charge consists of L L. M. M Hartvig- Hartvig sen Villa F. F Shafer Don Wright Glenn North Lillian Lilian Stellman Jay Wright and Gwen Scarle Searl INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES of the east cast are renewing ope operations end and general conditions show improve improvement ment meal according to Solomon Eisner Elsner former municipal judge and corporation corpora corpora- tion Lion counsel of Hartford Conn He is traveling with D D. D Morgan Aldrich investment in investment in in- vestment dealer of Hartford The They left leU Monday by airplane for San Fran Fran- cisco While White in Salt Lake Mr Eisner Elsner was a guest of Herbert S. S Auerbach I CUT CHRISTMAS TREES early A. A G. G Nord superY super super- Y i visor of the Wasatch Wasatch Wa- Wa satch satch national forest for for- lest est urges Snow after December 1 makes cutting after ithe I the date t ical Special ar arrangements ar- ar 4 for loc local lo- lo c cal demand for trees from the district on p Provo river and Beaver creek have been made Full information on obi ob- ob i trees is available at the lo- lo it G G. G Nord cal forest office SILVER will be the subject of an address by W. W Mont Ferry managing managing man man- aging director of the Silver King Coalition Mines company at the Fourteenth Fourteenth Four Four- L. L D. D S. S word ward hall West First South st sL Tuesday at p. p m. m |