Show I INSIDE STUFF Pol Politics i ti c S Sand and Finance I. I WASHINGTON By George Durno Darno Secretary of Interior Ickes never never red but buthE does get a pain when anyone anyone dares suggest the winter may maylow low slow up his public works program more than ever i Hell He'll tell you OU that outdoor construction con con- i. i work can and will continue 11 i throughout the cold months in I every section of the country It isan is is a an old and exploded theory t says ays Ickes that men can cant can't t work outside outside outside out- out side in the coming months 0 1 L As a matter of ot fact public c works r ex experts erts and Jh td ep foundation work vork Is best done in winten win- win ten tec time in a i great man urban com com- corn com Ickes himself himsel will furnish the details cf d how he once built a house during the February December-February period Allotment of public works funds Is coing going to go on without a break says headquarters V At M present writing two thirds of P W A money has been doled out r That means about sUit still f remains for spending Unfortunately the money is going Into actual payrolls at a p painfully slow rate ft Over two billions have been placed fit at the disposal of communities with work projects For one reason and 0 another only a few men have yet gone tto to work P W A insists things will pick pickup pickup pickup up from now on MIXED After developments of the past few months administration officials are wondering privately why the farmers cant can't merge themselves into a single I organization tion such as the American Federation Fed Fed- f ration nation of Labor They are wishing fervently at the f present moment that they could deal dealL L' L with a national unit speaking for all it of the agrarians W I Instead official Washington is being deluged with farm demands from literally literally lit lit- dozens of organizations each professing to speak for the whole farm I ar area a. a o 0 0 A wail of no ne mean proportions is 4 reaching White House ears to have pardons issued the many men and women wo- wo men serving time for prohibition law lawi i violations i i Ever since the repeal movement slid Into high the problem has ha been debated de de- de- de I. I bated in letters addressed to the president cI dent nt and his aides t Now that Its It's all ov over r friends and r relatives of the erstwhile booties are arc I really turning on the heat heaL S. S S SIt 1 v It isn't likely though that you'll have I to keep your children indoors because Continued on Pate Pare Two S INSIDE STUFF Continued from PAte Page One such as Al Capone are being released from rom escrow Public Enemy No 1 technically is isn in n jail because of income frauds Other tough ough babies who were stowed away for or the real reason of being too tough will remain where they are to soften sol soC solen ten en up But it looks like a merry Christmas for or the pint dispensers and home borne brewers S NOTES Secretary of Interior Ickes says MYS he hes heIs heIs Is s glad the civil service commissions commission's year 40 age limit didn't apply to cabinet cabinet cabi cabi- net officers Because I 1 am just over 40 Secretary of ot Labor Frances Trances Perkins thinks the newspapers ne have lave discussed this year 40 rule entirely en- en irely too much At a recent press conference she admonished admonish d the themen themen themen men and women present to stop writing about it |