Show FOUR SPEEDERS FINED IN COURT Others Escape on Plea That P Police lice Not Correct Four alleged speeders escaped prosecution pros pros- in police court Monday for lack of complaints while four lour pleaded i guilty and were fined The four who pleaded guilty and the thc amount of ot their fines are Harold R. R Mays 37 of Holladay Bud Taylor Talor 20 South State st. st 5 W. W S. S Harenburg 2 21 Parkway ave 5 and Roscoe Webb 19 1931 Claybourne ave 5 Traffic Sergeant Walter E. E Jukes Juker said failure to file tile complaints against four lour drivers was the result of charges that police speedometers were not in incorrect incorrect incorrect correct adjustment but tests showed they were in perfect perfect- condition The four against whom charges were stricken were Leonard Ger rard 36 36 Taylorsville C. C I. I Gallacher 36 1163 East First South st. st J. J G. G l 42 1922 East St. St and J. J R. R Chamberlain 30 1860 Eighth East st. st Judge M. M J. J Bronson ordered a bench warrant warra t for the arrest of Tom Torn Nicholo 23 Magna when he failed tailed to lo app appear ar to answer sp speeding eding charges L. L E. E Wilkinson 36 Evanston Wyo W also failed to app appear ar and forfeited f 10 bond Charles Bollander 38 East Fourth South st st. sl was granted until Tuesday to 10 enter plea to speeding charges andL R R. W Wattis 55 55 Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton Cotton- wood will plead Thursday |