Show Personal Personal-N Notes otes Mr yr and Mrs 1 S. S V V. R. R Gros Gras have returned from Cram a a. two months' months visit in California The They spent several weeks in Los Angeles and later visited their son son Robert Gros Gras a student at Stanford Stanford Stan Stan- ford university Mr and Mrs Clyde CIde Early have returned returned re re- re turned from a motor trip to San Francisco and Santa Cruz Mrs A. A E. E Kimball accompanied by ay her daughter Mrs P. P D. D Allison and little son son Kimball have returned to their home in Los Angeles after a visit with friends in Salt Lake Mrs Walter Jennings has returned from Los Angeles where she has spent several weeks with Mrs 1 Sarah Sharp J Jennings Jenning Mrs Rowena C. C Allison of or Los Angeles Angeles An An- geles who is spending two weeks at al th the Hotel Utah is being extensively extensive ly ly entertained during her visit in Salt Lake Mrs 1 Frank N. N Cameron and her daughter Mrs Walker Kennedy Kenned have lave gone to Los Angeles and will willbe willbe b be at th the Arcady for two weeks Mrs Jennie E. E Brice has returned from rom a six weeks' weeks visit isit in Denver Colo Cob with her aunt Mrs A. A Mrs 1 F. F A. A Goeltz is visiting in Turlock Cal w with th her son law and daughter Dr and Mrs Irs Bruce R. R Pearson Mrs Charles F. F Morrison of Colerado Colorado Colorado Colo Cole rado Springs Colo Cob is visiting her mother Mrs A. A L. L Burnham in Woods Cross |