Show V 9 If ir Provo Notes I ISA I a ty vA SA meeting of the newly organized Carpenters Carpenters' union o of Provo Pro will wUl be beHeld Held neld in in the juvenile courtroom Fri Fri- Say day at p p. p m. m All carpenters and ether ather woodworkers are arc invited to lo attend The Provo local of the Civic and Relief Relic Workers' Workers Protective union will wil Meet I in regular session Frida Friday April II 6 for the election of officers and other important business All Al members embers arc are urged to be pres present nt Police Chief Chie John E. E Harris and Officers meers Bert Halladay and Arnel inner and md Sheriff Sherif E. E G G. G Durnell id rid Deputy Walter Durrani Durrant are arc at at- the conference in inaIt alt aIt Lake City which is in charge o otto of tto Birk of ot Provo president of the tah state stale peace officers' officers convention nUon id d former chief chic of police j Professor ProCessor George W. W Fitzroy ape al instructor in piano at al Brigham oung university spoke before Provo Friday noon on Books Bo unary election of officers officer for fo Ih the I suing year was held The final fina in cUon will be April 13 f |