Show CHURCH WILL PRESENT MUSIC RECITAL MONDAY Mrs Richard O O. Burkh Burkhardt organist organist organ orsan assisted b by Mr and Mrs Gail Martin vocal soloists will present a recital Monday at p p. p pm p.m. min m m. in jn the First Church of or Christ Scientist Scientist East Broadway The program will cons consist t of oC both and stand standard rd selections Mr end Mrs Martin will Sing MacDowell's MacDow- MacDow ells ell's To a Wild Rose and Chaminade's Chami Charm nades nade's Angelus Mrs Burkhardt twill will entertain with organ solos olos including in in- eluding the prize song on from Die inger Mes eringer by Wa Wagner ncr and prelude to o b by Various other vocal ocal and instrumental numbers will be pre pro seated s n ted L t |