Show Field Artillery Unit UnitI I Given U. U S. S Inspection LOGAN LOGAN- Captain Everett M. M Graves Gra ra es of oC the senior instructors instructor's of Jr office fice Tice of the Utah national o guard inspected in to Batter Battery C C. C Co field artillery artil artil- lery Thursday for the thc annual federal Inspection ri r Others attending the inspection included included in in- Brigadier Gen General ral W W. G. G Williams Wil Wil- liams adjutant general of Utah Major Ma Ma- jor Jar William Lyons Lons Colonel Carl A. A Badger and Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Duffin of the field artillery artil artil- lery and brig brigade staff I The local unit won state hl high h attendance at at- honors for February in fir ir 1 ing irig batteries with an average of or 93 per cent attendance The unit is commanded commanded com com- b by Captain George Grorge D. D Pres Pres- ton tan |