Show Salt Bait Lake Briefs I RAPID HAFID progress on construction o oa oJ oJa f a 1 field museum at the dinosaur deposits deposits deposits de de- posits near Jensen was reported Friday Friday Fri Fri- day dar by Dr A. A C. C Boyle Bole in charge o othe ol oj t the work The building is being con strutted with federal construction n funds The structure will house fos fossilized os remains of prehistoric monsters mon mono found round in in that vicinity I WILLIAM MAXWELL manager manager manager man man- ager of ot the Cr Crystal stal Palace market market market mar mar- ket Friday had assumed his new duties as president of the Salt Lake club following following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing election of ot officers Thursday night in the Utah Gas S Coke company auditorium He lie succeeds T. T N. N Drunker Brunker Clyde CIde James was elected vice president Miss Tess Hall hail was reelected secretary secretary secre secre- tar tary and Bert C. C Palmer was retained as class leader I WALTER J. J LEWIS of or the Continental Continental Conti National Bank and Trust company company com com- pany Thursday spoke poke to St. St Mary Mar Wasatch the students on How Banks Serve e Us PREVENTION o of crime through inauguration inauguration in in- of oC programs to fill leisure lei sure time of ot persons under present economic conditions was urged by Deputy Sheriff William L. L Foxley in ina a talk Thursday night at the West WestSide WestSide WestSide Side Peoples People's Forum in the Chap Chap- Chapman Chapman man branch library Mr Foxley said crime is 40 years ears ahead of ot the American American Amer Amer- ican police system and urged modernization modernization mod mod- of oC law Jaw enforcement procedure procedure pro pro- procedure to cope with criminals SEEKING options on six Nevada mining claims two Milwaukee men were en route Friday from Salt Lake to Elko Nev They are arc G. G E. E Vandercook Van Van- dercook former Milwaukee newspaper newspaper news news- pap paper r man and md R. R C. C Dugdale mining mining min min- ing engineer Mr Dugdale said he will employ several everal hundred men inthe inthe in inthe the mines at once i if the deal is close closed l MORE THAN TITAN persons attend attend- attended ed cd the second of ot a series of entertainments entertainment enter enter- given by the Utah Manufacturers Manufacturers' Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers' Manu es league Thursday Thurs day ni night ht at the he Continental baker bakery L. L N. N was general chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man of the program DISCUSSION cf of routine business matters will feature the quarterly meeting of the Service Star Legion state board Saturday at p p. p m. m in m the Hotel Utah DR THOMAS C. C BROWNING BRO of Chicago former Salt Laker ai arrived rived Thursday to spend two weeks visiting visiting visit visit- ing his brother and sister-in sister law Mr and Mrs L L. D D. D Browning Seventh Seventh Sev Sev- East street THE TilE PURCHASING AGENTS AGENTS' ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION AS AS- OF UTAH met at the University club Thur Thursday day night to discuss commodity prices and business business busi busi- ness trends during the past century FIRE TIRE of ot unknown yn origin swept s a story one-story brick building occupied by bythe bythe bythe the Crescent Furniture company compan 72 South West Temple street early Friday Friday Fri Fri- day morning Damage was not esti mated MAJOR HARRISON C. C BROWNE BROWNS Thirty eighth infantry will leave Fort Douglas about bout April 20 to assume assume as as- sume command o of the Fresno Cal CaLI d of or civilian conservation corps corp camps C. C CLARENCE RENCE assistant state manager of thc othe the HOLC resigned as a member of or the county relief reBel com committee corn m. effective ve Thursday The resignation res ignation was accepted by county commissioners com corn i missioners under a new FERA ruling that attaches of oC any branch of federal fed eral oral state slate county or ocal government cannot also be a member of oC the relief relic re re- lief lic committee FUNERAL RITES SET FA FARMINGTON Funeral FARMINGTON Funeral services for Mrs Andrew will beheld be beheld beheld held Sunday in the North Farmington Fa ward chapel at 12 noon Mrs blom died of heart trouble at her home here Tuesday morning Services Services Ser Ser- vices will be directed by the Union mortuary of or Bountiful MRS LOIS LOTS MORGAN 25 Fourth East street has been appointed temporary tem file Ile clerk in the county audi audi- auditors auditor's tors tor's office by county commissioners I APPLICATION of or Clayton K Kirkham Kirk Kirk- ham Westminster avenue to open a 1 night ni ht club at nt third Thirty South and Seventh East streets has been referred referred re re- erred by count county commiss commissioners to Sheriff Sherif S. S Grant Young for investigation gation DIRECTORS of oC the Apartment HOl House e Association o of Utah Friday had adopted the national national code code of ot fair competition following a meeting Thursday ni night ht at the Salt Lake real estate board off offices ces Members of ot the association will meet April 19 at ata ata ata a place to be designated later to consider consider con con- sider the code FIRST CERTIFICATE TE of ot registration for construction work from the intermountain branch of ot the Associated General General General Gen Gen- eral Contractors of or America Friday was issued to H H. E E. E Salt Lake tor Certificates are issued to contractors who have agreed to support the N R A construction code o of fair competition I IECA BECAUSE ECA USE the they answered the call callor of or the wild Thursday and went fishing fishing fish fish- ing in City Creek canyon four young Salt Lake anglers Friday were being held by juvenile court authorities The boys were arrested by Lorenzo Alcock of or the waterworks department department department depart depart- ment near the Twentieth ward reservoir reser reser- reservoir voir in the canyon Fishing in m the stream is prohibited |