Show BOYS DO NOT DELVE INTO MIND OF GIRL t t FEMMES CHALLENGE a Ines I Inexpensive P spates Yet Good Entertainment Ma May Y Be Had as Yaun Young 8 Crowd Proves Seating Problem at Dinner t 1 By BETTY BLAIR Good literature music art is appreciated more by girls than boys young girl thinks She Shei avers that have even developed a certain shyness about speaking of the fine arts to boys who consider such stuff as fit only for the school room Any defense boys w Dear Miss ML Blair We read the letter in n your our colUmn col soh column from Mad biad Hatter and believe be lie lieve us we are even Madder Hatters We yc are only two wo representing c enting many many more of ot the fair lair SIX sex who who emphatically deny that girls eirls arc not interested inthe in h inthe the finer liner things of life lile We can truthfully say after aHer five years years' experience with various I fellows s that it iUs is they who will not spend a a quiet evening at home h melt Itis It Itis is Js o think good goad literature I Is stuff youre you're compelled to read zead in school but that no one in his right mind would read rend for pica pica- lure sure It is they who think good music is' is tonel toneless s. s colorless and meaningless and who think art is Just so many objects drawn n on canvas On the other hand we tee love everything ev everything beautiful whether it t is a sunset unset or a song sang but we woul wouldn't nt dare mention this tact fact to any of ot our boy friends for two reasons First they would never understand under under- understand stand U us never having exp experienced experienced rt such emotions themselves Second we dont don't care to express our f innermost feelings with et e ery pry ry fellow we go out with v We personally think the reason Why Mad bead Hatter Halter has lias never never methis met mete his dream girl is because he hasn't delved del deep enough into the minds of his girl friends We firmly firmly firm firm- ly believe furthermore that it if ithe he hI doesn't find fine girls the trouble trou ble lies within himself We Wc wish Letters Qu questions and reQuests requests re re- quests for advice should be addressed addressed addressed ad dressed to MISS MISS BETTY B BET E T T Y BLAIR HEARTS HEART'S HA HAVEN VEN TELEGRAM SALT LA LAKE K E. E Write legibly upon only one side of the paper It is u necessary that you OU append append ap ap- pend pond the thc right name and address address ad dress but these will be held in strict confidence and will nt mt t appear in fn print Qu Questions involving in involving In advertising information cannot annot be answered I I we knew him Til bet wed we'd change his mind VIOLET AND RUTH THINKS BOYS BOPS TO BLAME Dear Miss bliss Blair Blairr This is a strange world after all isn't it Ive I've been thinking exactly the thc same thing as Rs Mad bead Hatter HaUer only vice v versa versa rn If the fellows who cant can't seem eem to find their old fashioned girls girs would only wake up they'd see CC that its it's because their heir har harum- harum m sisters g get t all the thc atten tion lion while they arc pushed into the background Have ou ever wondered Mad brad Hatter why a girl is noisy and forward d Its It's because because be be- cause she wants to attract the attention at of the opposite sex sex and and she usually gets gels it so it-so so if you OU and other fellows who want this type of oC girl will stop rushing these noisy modern femmes and pick on the quieter ones once in a awhile awhile while Im I'm sure you'll find some real ideals Please dont don't misunderstand meby me meby by thinking I mean all modern girls arc are that way because they are ace not not- You'll find too that the girl eirl who wh us usually ally stays at home is Is not always ugly and unsociable but is usually considered too old old- f fashioned in many ways Its It's only natural that a girl who has been pushed out of good times because because be br cause she is old fashioned will consequently turn to other ways way and means which her modern sisters sisters sis sis- tars arc indulging in because fellows fellows fell fel fel- l lows ws do rush them As to your question Where will I find an old old fashioned girl They're all around you waiting to tobe be sought after instead of doing doing do ing im the chasing themselves I think a lot Jot of oC things girls do is much the follows follows' fault too lea leaFor For example I I know only two out of ot ofa ota a dozen or more fellows who would be bc satisfied to sit at home pl playing lying cards making candy or of just talking They all SA say How about a little ride or ar a ashow If It you OU accept you ou usually are arc expected ex pasted to repay replY with kisses and a little petting party because they arc are so sa much in m the habit of it In the last ye year r fellows have not nol been able to take girls out and 5 spend nd money on on n them as they could before and most girls have taken this into consideration and been willing t to stay at home In accordance this my girl cirl girlfriends girlfriends friends and I started entertaining our boy friends at our homes with candy pulls and refreshments but nearly always they would end up by suggesting we go somewhere some where and park This used to disgust disgust dis gust eust me very much and soon I Iwas Iwas Iwas was left leU out by the last fast crowd and they began calling me old i fashioned fashioned- This hurts me as I like to do things too and I find myself spending my evenings alone with wil a bo book lust just be because aus I prefer a fellow to be a pal and a companion to one who Indulges Indulge in cheap pastimes So finally of late ate my girl friends and I have started an orchestra just to amuse ourselves So you ou see sec Mad bead Hatter I am sure your search will not be in vain and I know there arc as many sweet old old fashioned girls looking for lor real fellows ll as there arc fellows looking for lor old old old-fash fash toned girls Being one myself naturally naturally-I have found just twice tsetse as many old fashioned girls AS I 1 have found fellows The best of luck to you ou in your search AN OLD FASHIONED GIRL An interesting phase of this discussion discus- discus d ion sion n Is the knowl knowledge dge that girls who feel eel lee 1 themselves pushed into the background background background back back- ground because they are arc quiet and old fashioned d have not sat at around moping or building around themselves a adream dream world fantasy of The fact that a crowd of young girls would combine their energies to 10 form fonn forman an orchestra i. i is a wonderful compliment ment inept to their good sense The follow ing ng portion of another r letter is evidence evi dence deuce that other young oung people arc are planning their own entertainment INEXPENSIVE ACTIVITIES There are four of us two us two boys and two girls who are going coing together to ta gether gather regularly These boys would spend what money they have on an us if it we would let them but instead we the meet at each others others other's others other's oth ers er's homes play cards have goodheart good goodheart goodheart heart to heart talks bUtS and md serve safes serve light refreshments On Sundays we go up the canyon or go CO swim ming Occasionally we go ga to a dance and Im I'm sure theres there's not another another an m. other crowd of young p people ople in our town who have a better time than we even cven though their good times may cost cast them much moreOn more On week nights we wo attend our school clubs where dramatics music and the lives of authors are enjoyed These are very interest interesting ing and arc are attended by most of ot the best students and graduates So you sec see Mad Mod Hatter there are some girls who dont don't I allow the fellows to spend a lot I on them It isn't fair for tor you ou to judge fudge all girls by those restless femmes femmes' YOU you know The foregoing letter Jetter was too loo long to publish all of It It comes from one one who signs herself lf Boots I FOR ENGAGED COUPLE Dear Miss bliss Blair In Living giving a It S dinner forn for tor an engaged en cn couple where re are ate the bride and bridegroom elect bridegroom seated scared sea t e d Does the hostess separate them or d does e she a arrange ange to have them seated side by side Thank you QUIZ Aft After r the engagement of two young people has been announced in all al all parties where th the two arc are together to ether until after r the wedding the engaged couple or or r the bride and groom are seated tD together at atthe the dinner table If your table is large enough h you may place them at the opposite enc end from the hostess or both to the right of ot the h hostess t the groom groom elect elect first firs and the elect bride elect to the right of him A revival of oil activity in inthe ithe region re rc gion glop near Vernon Tex Texas is attributed to success ss of acid treatment in in fn increasing creasing n prod production lion rl l' l |