Show Frightful Torture Of Insane Disclosed Evidence of Widespread Abuse buse in Midwestern Midwest Midwest- em ern Asylums Stuns Investigators CHICAGO April 6 UP Charges UP-Charges Charges of torture and abuse in midwest midwest- em rn correctional homes and insane asylums were unfolded In shocking array today before official boards of inquiry I In Illinois Wisconsin and Iowa investigating in In- vestige tIng groups heard almost unbelievable un un- believable able stories from the lips of ot trembling witnesses From a half halt dozen Institutions seeped th the charges of cruel cruel- ties some ies some medieval in their horribleness horrible horrible- ness ness among among society's pitiful outcasts who vho are supposed to be bo treated with the he fullest possible measure of human human hu hu- hu man kindness As though some great upheaval had crumbled their grim foreboding walls at one time and end revealed torture tor tor- ture ure chambers of ot barbaric times the disclosures of ot alleged cruelty come came simultaneously and without rum ruin bUngs of warning Investigators Stunned Investigators stunned by evidence of fatal beatings po poisonings iron In s bl black black- jacking and boiling water baths bath were ata loss loo to give any brood reason rea rca son for the widespread d revelations Three theories were advanced 1 Overcrowding of ot the last last- 2 The hardening of attendants attendants attendants attend attend- ants by long association with insane insane in in- sane une patients end incorrigible 3 Laxity in the of state boards in charge of ot the In in- In Wisconsin shocking evidence of ot abuses at two insane asylums were written into the already bulging records records rec rec- of ot a legislative investigating committee com com- and the searching spotlight of ot official inquiry will be turned upon another asylum in a few days Disclosed At the state school and colony in Lincoln Ill lii a a correctional institution tion for tor or minors disclosures of floggings inflicted on children have resulted in jn inthe the he discharge of four attendants and end two wo guards A legislative e committee running down own rumors of corruption at the Illinois state prison in Joliet found evidence that hospital prescriptions were forged land and records falsified by convict clerks as a Q means of ot spreading spread spread- ing lag narcotics among emong the prisoners A board of ot inquiry today entered upon the second day of ot its lon of the death of ot a 3 year old youth allegedly beaten to death deith at athe atthe atthe the he state insane hospital in Clarinda Iowa owa l 16 n Dismissed Bribery drunkenness and narcotic smuggling were added to charges of cruelty against heads heeds of ot kee cee house of ot correction and resulted in n the dismissal of 16 and William Villiam H H. Inspector of the institution Most shocking of ot all the charges were those hurled at those In chBr charge e ot of f the insane hospital at Oshkosh Vis Wis Governor Charles was informed that abuse of ot patients there here caused cawed six deaths and when the investigation was under way only a afew few ew hours hour the superintendent re re- re- re signed Norman Brown an attendant is awaiting waiting trial on manslaughter charges charge after alter witnesses testified he twisted a n towel about the neck of ot Oscar scar Schrader on en insane patient from rom Sheboygan until Schrader choked to death |