Show DR WIRT WIRI MUST MUSTi i TELL OF PLOT II Educator to Face Contempt w w Charge if He Ignores Subpoena q WASHINGTON WASHINGTON April 6 G P A R-A A contempt con tempt charge threatens Dr Dh William Wirt Wid If it he be refuses to accept a subpoena subpoena sub sub- poena to testify before a a. a house com corn orr his accusations that brain plot red revolution Chairman Bulwinkle D. D N. N C. C of oi the he Wirt investigating committee indicated in In- he did not believe the Gary md professor should be allowed the 10 JO days hc he requested in which to prepare pre pre- pare pare his his c case e. e He isn't R a defendant on on trial Bul Bul- told reporters AH AU he has to tow dp w is is tell U us who gave him that revolution revolution revo revo- lution information Bulwinkle was obviously dubious out Dr Wirt's ability to name an any any- One Republican members of ot the commit commit- f d e continued to protest the to 3 vote yesterday by which it was decided Wirta Wirt's first testimony should b be to naming the brain trust members with whom he said he talked and ond relating the reported conversations conversa conversa- in detail r Representative McGugin of Kansas n a D on on the Wirt commit commit- t ee oe charged that the whole Wirt instigation in in- was taking on the appear appear- es o of a whitewash GARY cAn Ind md April 6 JP IP if Dr William Wit Wil 1 Urn liam A. A WIrt today announced he Would be present next Tuesday to tell a house of representatives committee com corn at Washington details of his hl charges harges that certain cerbin members of or the administration brain trust were to o overthrow the govern govern- ment nent The value of ot livestock tock in Utah increased in in- creased eased in 1933 although There was a decrease in the number r l 1 h head |