Show W Wall all Center of G City ity Great Bulwark Surrounding v Temple Grounds Completed in 1853 0 Editors Editor's Note This is the fifth of ofa a series of informal sketches on points of interest in the L. L D. D S. S temple grounds mecca this week for the thousands of church members members members mem mem- bers attending the one hundred fourth annual conference Second in age to lo the oldest housein housen house in n Utah enshrined in the southeast orner corner of the temple grounds is the great wall which surrounds the block This adobe and sandstone bulwark 12 2 feet high and three feet thick was completed in 1853 six years ears after afler the tiny iny log cabin was built and before work vork began on any of the present ent structures in the grounds Four days after aCter the arrival of or the pioneers July 24 24 1847 President Brigham Young selected the site sile of the he tem temple le block and marked out the 10 acre 0 acre square It was as decided the city should surround this block and that hat streets would be numbered from there here Truman O. O Angel an architect who came tame to the valley with wilh the Young company in 1847 designed the wall which is impressive chiefly because of o its simple Jim linis and freedom from ornamentation Mr Angell later served as architect for the temple The oldest house was moved into the temple grounds in n 1912 It was built in September 1847 18 north of the east portal of the old oldfort oldfort fort ort where Pioneer park is now Two years rears later latel it was moved to First North forth and West Temple streets where v it remained until the church acquired it as a 1 museum piece One of ot its chief claims to fame is that when Captain Howard Stansbury Stansbury Stansbury Stans- Stans bury of the United States Stales army topographical topographical topo topo- graphical engineers was making th the first survey of ot Great Salt lake and nearby regi regions ns he used the house as his headquarters and compiled his notes there An Iron fence and wooden pergola supported by a concrete base protect the room one-room house from curio hunters hunt ers and the weather |