Show J l I I I I t leaves 10 Wk at Fair 7 Wk W. W bA A Canyon Cabin Protects and Is Protected by a Good Tenant I 25 a a Day Will Wi Hire a Day 10 Worlds World's Trip 70 7 f for r Your You Ad and d Keep Kee It IRen Rented dWa Was Wu 59 k AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SAL 32 AUTOMOBILES IF dJ r OF r KEW rW rw DEAL VALUES S SA CARRY A ALL CAR CARY prices Now row J Lowest wel In Willil A va ce S Soon D f YOUR SE SELECTIONS s si i CHEVROLETS c niOM mc IU 45 TO 1425 PLYMOUTHS J 0 YlO FROM l S TO 5 I Y FORDS FORIS mOM FROM 25 15 TO LH ASO ALSO ALO 1 De Do Sedan iQ f uI un 8 Sedan aport n. n 1 l FlO O Sport Sport Coupe Cup h. h Pus Pres 8 B Cabriolet 1171 I n SEDAN BEDAN 75 S 2 1 CHRYSLER COUPE COUrE 15 13 ESSEX SEDAN n. n 95 BEAN 12 EE PACKARD SEDAN t 94 1 HI p I 2930 SU W WILLYS COACH 25 Lt UTAH'S LARGEST USED CAR ff s sI I DISTRIBUTOR f PLYMOUTH DE DESOTO SOlO soro I t 1 9 BO 2ND EAST WAS 51 s. s 6 80 S. S STATE SATE L t 47 n SO 5 2ND EAST 1 LEADS IH VALUES US 1 EADS 1 Hi Sedan 1922 FORD V 8 V Coupe lUJ 67 BUICK Sedan cn J. J CADILLAC I BUC 5 Coupe 1260 1250 4 8 co 1 g u W HUDSON BROUGHAM t lUl PONTIAC COUPE CUPE t S SEDAN AN e. e aso i r AUTO COo CO 4 47 n SHAf SOUTH SUT 2ND EAST E. E WAS ji It CREDIT ON new Plymouth an any model modes CEI fet far lt 10 10 Call Can Alaback ho hotel l. l sell 2 Chevrolet good cod cond real realI t I ul 1145 So W. W Tern Tem n fly Hy W. rea 7 HUDSON COACH 1 PONTIAC COACH CAC 0 75 10 MOTOR AVE AVE RUCKS FOR SALE 33 I ad bet trailers lol d and I 1 D Url to 10 1 IS 15 to 00 t 40 40 school bui buses bo s. s Felt FeU Auto Aut Parts Pal So S. S State d 1 II ti titon H ton 34 ton panel body Dodge truck truck good od t. t tl condition 45 US Lincoln st. st cErv panel truck good rubber CaU Call c. c en 35 s West ro South I TON 1 Ford Zord truck will trade for light IT Zord tuc or or liht ur eU ar 2841 n. n B S West n Hy lIy W. 2529 W. F I lL used trucks all al mates makes and body bo CT tr Priced to sell gall lel Easy Esy terms GENERAL OEN- OEN t ERAL MOTORS 94 SO 50 MAIN MAI W W. 5 A AUTO AIUTO TO PARTS FARTS Tops Tires 36 n. n 1 BE l us 03 U first for used parts PAts all al mates makes cars car trucks will pay cash for r your old car track g Felt f Wreckage k 6 rs s State W. W J Low LOK LW prices pricia on parts cash for cars car Tourist l Auto Atta Alto Wreckage Co 1016 State H. H t A AUTo TO 0 REPAIRING 37 TEE elded Best and andI I e hs Electric r acetylene n Ace Welding I S. S W W. Tern W. W ii round ground round 1 Si S per cylinder cUnde motors r O ver very Jr low prices Cal Call CaU del 3 D Don a D 13 Hampton mt n loth E. E Hy 5 J. EH STARTER T TEETH STARTER A teeth replaced without removing n replaced S Spec c. c for limited time 4 1 Wll- Wll I I lamn Method So 80 S. S State W. W Motorcycles Motorcycles Mot Boats 40 4 rent motorcycle tor l 1 or ori wb t I. I i oz I N f AUTOMOBILES wanted 41 1 WE PAY THE E mo HIGHEST CASH CASIO PRICES CASI Ini TH m SO AT MAIN IAIN WAS 10 PRIC ANTED Goad light used car cr pay ny no to tor r us 1 fly Hy 1053 10 Blame Blaine acc eve ave c POAL AL WOOD 42 v CAL FOR FOIL SALE summer prices Canion Can Can- ion Jon coal coa lump S1 stove S. S 0 do do- i Buttle lump lumo S. S 0 ap special lal store ston tet ct t 6 95 pea Des pl 5 n. All Al grades of ot coal coal c JU Standard ad sizes Ilus Try us and you iou u will UY tHI lf mOM money Call Can Was Wis WA wJ NEW NE DEAL COAL CO BEST COAL IN CITY STOVE DET E 2575 lum lump I nut L Pta pet 5 15 Hy W. 1501 J f Co Coal N l Co 7 SACKS SACK 1 U. U DEL DEL COAL o ACK OR TON TN BECKS Hy Hi li 60 ACME FUEL FE CO GUARANTEED GUARANTEE WAS I BACKS kindling 1 31 S 4 sacks pea coal ni 1 SI i cot nat 1 UI 3 lumpy lump 1 25 H Hy fly t E wood wod 1 U 3 pea pra Pta rh Hj UJ 3 nut r I OTo Lues tues Was Wag Wa 4 i jPE Machi Machinery ery Iron 43 al klc bolen t I PumPs pops compressors r steel etc ae sod Id or rented r J. J j J. J lc Coon Coan lC 3 So Temple mple Was Wu 2405 Im t etc ete all Iu U th J IRON West t MC Was s CO al Uns S motors all ct f t West st Iron r Wee IJ 1118 Metal ta BUTCHERS BATCHERS SUPPLIES 44 4 I nt u ere 11 W 2nd 8 W V I MISCELLANEOUS 45 FOR SALE ALE Bar Bar- IJ any makes rake ma- ma c t S Gables Oar Gar rear rea US 50 6 4 H C ther Easy Ean 49 50 u. u a I. I W Was 42 1 LI so- so O. O 0 One Otte e used 1 E. E 1 th So S. S Te t. t h ty l to Et et a Manu Mafia at real In So o. o St State c nl jUs or over present floors P t to move SALT non gt CO 1 o. o if a 1 P b SILL WIL PLC A RANi HOTPOINT NW ELEC RAT RANGE GE tou Y JOu EASY s BEnUM TODAY IN our I lAU 10 MaIn LaIT C. C r. r tGA GA S CW CAFE E Ei 1 Ii i lt t UlET CABIL back cOnten dishes silverware O c n J e 3 COffee una steam tables BeO Be monet b by visiting the EN f CO CAFE WAS 2 1 SUH ST. ST TOR 51 U S up MONARCH Q th water ate In Jacket OAR R Ut 1 on len leu with aur flew n MASTER wih RADIO 1 t RADO es S1 4 leather t ai CAPITOL Couth MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 45 FOR SALE LUMbER AND Bu Buy now pru are advancing dal daily Lumber shingles cement e e all 1 bide materials tae f sio lowest li prices f In city td UTAH BUILDERS BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO Corner UTAI BUILES' BUILES 8 and sod W. W WM Was SMALL Universal range 10 SO v. v 2 small Imal iT I SLL versal ranges on legs lega with wih 1 lace 13 1350 0 Westinghouse Automatic Anre W 12 1250 50 S gas coal a o f 2 SO kitchen heater huter with Jacket 8 st monkey 17 stove A I Jacket 15 By ar 1 South rn range Ie A l. A 1960 T PLENTY good u used ed brick L L. O. O Bland Lumber ro Co 2360 P Bo brick L B un CASH REGISTERS and ad adding add add- add In Inc ing machines Sl bought sold lold S rented repaired S State Slate ate SU St Love Lve WasP Was Was 24 2164 E ESI Et t 45 years er FOR 1300 YOU TOU CAN NOW HAV flAVE A GENRL GENERAL ELECTRIC JUNIOR REFRIGERATOR IN YOUR HOME HOME EASY TERMS SEE TI THEM C IN OUR STORE SORE UTAH POWER it LIGHT CO UA South Main Was Vas WI LUMBER 18 for garage coci repair eta etc etc- etc COP LUMBE RIO GRANDE priced extremely low THE TIlE RO ORADE LUMBER LUMER 18 so S. S lw w. w Was wag USED REFRIGERATORS 00 to SO each 25 WE WEST SO BEER BER dispensing units coll cal nove novelty boxes Ice Ice or mechanical mechanical Brunswick Brunswick- B Balke Collender Balke-Collender Coll Colender Co 55 5 W. W So Temple cabin in Emigration can can- 3 3 RM l l. l furnished v T 1 ron jon hot and cold water wate for sale or rent Was 1995 MEAT MET counters counter walk walk-in in alk coolers cooler store and S Salt lt Lake Lue Cabinet restaurant fixtureS fixture s Fixture Co 32 31 RIchards St. St W W. HEMSTITCHING machine A l condition Was Wal CUlt CUr bide ELECTRIC as new cans ranse also baby and buggies water I i neater heater bargains goodas good goodas for cash Call Can n Ily 81 p el AutO uto range 40 10 cost COlt like new el E. E 9 8 H. H R. 2245 R. WALNUT UT mT size full bed d. d with De Dc Lux A springs 12 cost 4 46 walnut buffet bute and dining 2 table tle 35 US cost cst US Hy Hr J. 1357 Kensington ave e. WESTINGHOUSE auto aut glee elec Tee lie white tec enamel 17 1750 50 E. E Otis So S. S TRAILER TRAILER Hardwood Hardwood Ford A front end end- T E. E So Q t 94 I. I V D HOAN rebuilt typewriters ribbon service Guaranteed repairs repair H Hy By 2925 2125 BEER BEE fa bar ba da Soda Soda fountains steam Item tables dec elec Es Easy terms Moser Hartman Co Co 55 P. P O. O Place CASH re registers scales meat mea sheers and grinders ginder Hammel 26 So S. S W. W Temple MEAT counters counter storage boxes Martin Kraals Co 62 N N. N W. W W. W SACRIFICE 8 1 f. B-f. meat cue case and Neon sign Hampton eve Ave BEER and soft IOU drink outfits Low prices BEE dink 30 yrs YU exp epo O. O Mfr Mfg 19 E. E 1 So Lacquer Lacquet paint pait spray equipment a an compressors compressor sold I rented repaired A. A C Whittaker fi 5 So 80 State rt Wax Was ef CLOSING out ut all stock soda fountains al root rot beer barrels etc loa at bargain prices W. W H H. H BENTZ BL CO C. C 59 W W. V 8 S. NATURAL GAS OA RANGE New Ney green neen and ivory Roper natural IM range latest style style- large Jure roomy oven broiler and utility drawer Only S completely installed Liberal allowance for your our old I 2 2 down 2 n SImo mo GAS GA REFRIGERATORS Beautiful new white 4 cu cu ft ft sl size aize Original price 1220 now 02 15 5 down 6 50 mo ro Installed UTAH GAS GORE COKE COMPANY COMPAN 4 45 41 So Main Was Wa 1300 NEW NEV white enamel gas us range unie for to 50 36 or will wi trade tude for chickens 41 E B S S. S SET SE of Harvard Cla Classics will 1 sell sl for 50 SO cr H Hy By J. J. J 30 So S. S State MISCELLANEOUS 46 l WANTED VE WE buy buildings to wreck reck or anything in building materials KETCHUM BUILDERS' BUILDERS SUPPLY CO 80 West Wet S South uth Phone Was SQUARE shears punch press press lathe mill iiii milling mi- mi in Inc ing machine Box N 26 N 26 WANT VANT to buy a I good rod horse harness hares and smile single lon 33 East th South WILtS WILL buy for Cash mortgages r contracts t WI of f sale equities tr z or what hat shi have ha you Brown 16 E. E Broad Broadway Y Was Wa LARGE electric ice cream cram cabinet Was 64 J 0 OLD LD COLD GOLD WANTED 47 CASH PAID PAI for fol old cold 1011 jewelry dental crowns etc W. W M M. McCONAHAY McCONAHY JEWELER JEE LICENSED GOLD BUYER BUYE I tell sell ul to U. U S S. aa essay assay office direct 64 e SO 50 MAIN MA ST. ST S. S WAS IVAS 1821 1621 TOP OP TP price paid for tor old gold We bu buy and ad sail aall l old eld U. U 8 S. coins clr 64 6 E. E E 1st So UNC UNCLE SAM pays full fuU price e DIRECT 1 ship ship- lp- lp ments n to U. U 1 8 S. mint t rf 16 E. E Sad 2nd So o OLD GOLD P O PER PEP CENT CASH CASt PAID PAI GOLD PRODUCTS PRODUCT CO 12 W W. 2ND SO CLOTHING U WANTED WANED 48 EDDIE EDDIE GREEN OREN pays highest prices for old clothes shoes hos suitcases Was Wa 1000 WE VE buy all 1 kinds of f menUs men's clothes r Med Med- cd nicks i 58 E. E 2nd South Was 21 JUNK UNK WANTED N ED 49 RIG HIGHEST cash calces prices ranges heaters rugs HIGHT rue fur fur hot bot bot books odds ends etc ete W. W LETS LET'S ET'S ETS SWAP 5 50 ESEX ESSEX door 4 sedan finish like Uke new motor mo mo- mo- mo tor br reconditioned d upholstery and n top fine Will trade with g cash for Coulty UW UWIn In newer sedan adan No dealers dealEr Was WI 00 Alaska Alakl refrigerator for rug rUI papering papering paper paper- ing auto trunk and rack glider gilder or what whA have hare you H fly Hy 2221 2221 FURNITURE FOR SALE 51 FOR JUNE JUri Ic Ice boxes 6 95 wicker suite 95 1 JI rii porch h swing i. i 9 95 kitchen f D end and dining room rom chairs chaIrs Ole baby barIn bar bar- ba In caine ore in this department WET WESTERN FURN CO USED South hC State tR TADE old ew at wholesale prices Reliable Furn E. E F W VT 4 89 FURN FURNITURE TURE WANTED 52 Cu S FR Forget tone the rest the HIl EST ET SPOT CASH PRICE Save time nd and trouble Call can Was Wu RIGHT NOW CAL CALL ALL Was Wa 5 to tor to highest spot cub cash prices for lor fum lurn aJl al kinds rugs p stoves etc Appraisals given without run obligation PRIVATE PRIVAT part party will bu buy household or odd Pieces Piece funs furn fur rugs run ranges Was Wm J. WE pay PG the best f for iid used furniture W Was s Holland Holand Furniture Co State St st. st PRIVATE PRAT PARTY PART WILL BU BUY BUI HOUSEFUL OP FURNITURE WIL AND RUGS HOUSEL HY UT 2236 DONT DON'T give your furniture away Call CaU Hy awa lt ret get Ct highest cash price DASH CAH FOR RANGES FURNITURE RUGS WASH AND SEW MACHINES W W. WE Winced need ned your furniture Highest prices price paid paiS for furniture city Clr Furniture Exchange Was Was 2028 21 So S. S West Temple TOP CASH PRICE POE USED RUGS RANGES i PR MIS ITEMS Wv INDIVIDUAL will wi pay pa cn cash h for any amount of used furniture fly Hy W. 1967 CASH for furniture rUI rust rue ranges ranee etc Ap- Ap free tre Was Wu SPOT cash for furniture rugs rues r ranges etc et Appraisement free Dee Was Wu Vs 1503 M MUSICAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 55 II FOR OR SALE SALER R RENT N pianos 2 n p r mo Cne yera rent applies apple on purchase price Utah Music Co Cn E E. Broadway MUSICAL MUSIC INSTRUCTION 56 IM WAToN VATSON U HANCE CE PENS TIER PIANO STUDIO HT 11 T SOUTH EAST TTY HY J g-J J. J STORE OFFICE 57 0 I EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SALEs USED ih nests s tiles lUes ana can ottice equipment 6 8 6 i u uDe a De Desk k Ex E. E e I tt West Went Wi Wa Wac Q TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE 58 1 I SERVICE REPAIRS SERVIE St TYPEWRITER stationery ow office e Utah ab Typewriter Ex E. E 20 E. E I 1 So S. S W. W I. I L. L C. C SMITH and Corona Typewriter Inc New e and used e typewriters Rentals 40 West v nd 2 Sou South t h. h Wasatch t 1 FISH ISH FOR SALE RAINBOW trout 12 for 1 T Community Community Trout Hatchery So 1 th East Eat trout dressed firm and fat U. U 8 S. lt msp 1030 load food foo a log lOc 1011 1911 E. E So 80 CLOWERS FLOWERS Plants Trees 60 Tree i Trimmings TrImmIng u N B BOOKS w via Ili Il help WT you make rake a success of your lour ur garden Oh this OU a summer 1 25 UP d ure BOOK COMPANY b 4 4 East Et So Tem Temple e. e Wa Was Waa t FLORADALE Highland dr closeout lOc dna doz Giant t petunias and all choice bedding J pg plant t Tomato i plants s SOc rb box i X WATER lily bulbs bulbs oil all colors color Drive out o or write s E. E E. E E Darling ni Highland dry also ad other flower plants afo strawberry rhubarb 33 So 50 5 W W. PERENNIALS be lOi English daisies dalle Ic lc each ech 1313 Wasatch ave e W W. 8 7 1450 8 s So SoOIL SOIL OIL AND FERrIL FERTILIZER ZER 62 BO BONE for ra blood lawns seH fertilizers flowers I er shrubbery are u unexcelled eer e etc i per cwt delivered cwt In Salt Lake rr City Ogden Logan Ut P Phone o nearest et plant tOlden COLORADO ANIMAL BY PRODUCTS DY CO COMPANY PLOWING L LEVELING SoIL SOIL FERTILIZER CALL WAS WAB HAY AND GRAIN CRAIN 64 FOR SALE HAY tor sale al crops Delivered 98 8 per ton 80 Emerson ere are n e. Hv fly R. B. R. R P pOULTRY Baby Chicks 65 I FOR FOE SALE I BABY CHICKS TODAY I ALL LEING LEADING VARIETIES RAMSHAW RAI HATCHERIES South South St e lurr Murray FRIES 1 VA 4 lbs Ibs lic ea or 7 I for 1 1 15 Hi 2 Ibs lbs 1 ea 3 3 for be 1823 So I W Tern Tem WANTED WANTED Live Live poultry can use any amount H Hy Hi J WA WANTED WANTED Live Live poultry I will wili them W call for and pay the t top t price Murray fg 30 ther WAT WANTED WANTED Poultry J. J M. M Tennant Poultry t l top tOI Sandy prices Midvale at the the- I coops oJ RAB RABBITS ITS F FOR SA SALE E 67 hie Zalana does doea at a bargain balin prices rl a. a Young rabbits each ech Also Alzo some lome rabbit hutches hutche 2860 Dearborn at Hy By HI W W. i pETS DOGS DOCS CANARIES 68 MOS t-MOS 5 Id ner B I IR male Inquire 18 1809 Michigan eve ate Hy My R. R PUPPIES the better beUer sort lort Wires Irish terriers W. W So 60 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 69 7 dobb GOD work horses for sale 3 th So 2 stucco bIts west vest wet house of ot Redwood road road e Yellow I 0 3 THOROUGHBRED saddle horses hore Cheap See at No Mo 3rd West WeaL Wet COW FOR FR SALE CHEAP 1305 SOUTH SOUT W WEST T LIVESTOCK WANTED 70 WL for foT and id pay cash ath for foT dea or useless hores horses and cows cows Phone collect nearest factory factor COlor Colorado Animal n Products By-Products 1 Co Phone gD Enterprise 30 for g Sa Salt Bal It Lake Orde Osden Logan Utah MONEY MONEY TO LOAN 71 AUTOMOBILES LES 1 IN INAo II Ao I I Om OVER EIGHT YEARS YE OF OP BUSINESS BUSINE BUSIE THIS COMPANY COMAN HAS nAS RETAINED REATE MOST OF ITS IS OLD OL CUSTOMERS FAIR TREATMENT TREAnE PLUS LOW LW RATES RATE MAKE CLIENTS CLIE WILLING TO TC COME COME DACK BACK AUTOMOBILE v LOANS REFINANCING Jo 1 Bo 10 JimNA COo o SO MAIN MAI ST. ST WAS 1030 1930 AUTO LOANS LOAS Je le ce QUICK SERVICE COr CONFIDENTIAL COMPARE OUR RATES RT f AND A SAVE MONEY MONET MON CONSUMERS CREDIT CREDI CO 81 SO 80 S. S STATE BT OT S. S HY BY K AUTh lN LAN REFINANCING PRIVATE SALES SALE FINANCED LOW RATES BATES RTE 15 MINUTE SERVICE Finance 00 u SO BO MAIN MAN WAS 31 AUTO LOANS LOWEST LOVIST RATES WE W INVITE INIE CO COMPARISON ARI ON minute 3 loan service service- serice Quick and ad |