Show New Cabinet Formed By Resigned Premier I MADRID June 12 Manuel W-Manuel Manuel Azana who resigned the premiership last week was said today by his former former for for- or mer minister of agriculture Marcelino Marcelino Marce Marce- lino ino Domingo to have succeeded in informing informing informing forming a a anew new Spanish government Domingo made this announcement after leaders eader had conferred on the political crisis precipitated when President Alcala Zamora 1 refused Azana permission to make certain cabinet abinet changes cabinet changes without consulting minorities Azana's secretary said President Alcala Alcala Al Al- cala Zamora had asked no conditions of Azana and it was believed the 1 for former ormer ormer or- or mer premier had formed a cabinet abinet similar to the one he submitted to lo lothe the president before the thc crisis |