Show E 1 j STUFF i Politics t. t and Finance I JCl Eradicate I WASHINGTON By B Paul PauI Mallon I Certain Democratic senators have bave let Mr Ir Roosevelt know they can can play f a s trey tame game of politics too rj l That Thit revolt re In m the senate enate finance on the Industrial control contro l J. J bitt wis was nothing more than p political 1 The boys Just rot got fed up on doing i ill all the riving giving and none of the t taking They bey wint want patronage They want tome Gme of f their pet legislation consid conald ered tUi They want to be treated like the Use big men th that t they are instead of p was on n a presidential chess table They hey thought they might get some attention by cutting the heart out of Mr Hr Roosevelt's most Important bill f f They ney did S IJ 1 For Tor the first time Mr Roosevelt Roosevel t lad bad l d to th tip some ardent lobbying 7 Committee Chairman Pat Harrison J was is called to the White House on the run The conference was kept secret i even tn from other senators A Afterward Harrison began making the rounds of his rebellious colleagues I He Re did not exactly buy them off i Things s. s are never Jer id done n so crudely p He Hedl did find nut zut ut the asking f for r changing their votes on th the Industrial control core I l tt It southwestern A i senator n was was' found und to be le beit it vitally lly interested In oil He Het t allowed d the the Impression to get out put that he might see sec the industrial control cOn con con- l troI picture in iii a different li light ht if he i lot some consideration for oiL oiLA A Pacific coast Democrat would not tell ieH what he wanted He was surprised sur sur- surprised I t to get geta a summons summons to the cloakroom cloak- cloak room room telephone The White House I l. l Continued on Paw Paste Two Tao l. l t. t I e. e JN SI DE STUFF Continued From P Pall Fags e One jai wat val on the wire When ne Tie walked out but ut of the telephone booth his face was as the picture of benign satisfaction e S SS S Extent of the bargains bargain made to save zave ave this bill will never be known officially They cannot be proved But you may take it for granted there were plenty of them The revolt was was was' started by the National Na Manufacturers' Manufacturers association and aud the Steel institute They soured on the legislation because it would force them to unionization o Th They y put up a very good fight But when the White House Howe started doling out favors their cause cracked The administration lent a hidden S hand band to stop the stock market re reo c It was done In a quiet quid way Whispers were dropped In quarter quarters which afford the widest Wall street circulation that the administration thought the market was wu joint going up too fist fast It U was said nid the government would apply the brakes If n no one else did Mr 1 Roosevelt might even take taketo to fo the radio the people speculation The word to the wise was 43 sufficient The market stopped topped advancing ad that very day Budget Director Lew Douglas DouClas w was s the man behind the warning arning He is u uthe the young man in possession at the treasury now What he says goes in inWall Walt Wall street as well as Washington The truth seems to be that the administration administration ad ministration Is afraid of Cf the consequences consequences consequences conse conse- of ot a runaway market P Present PresS Pres es' es ent policies call for gentle ary activities The administration would hardly dare to tinker with Villi the rediscount rate or stop slop the open market market mar mar- ket operations It would spoil the program o e I That senate mystery over the gold cold clause dauie bill was no mystery at alL aIL Republican Republican Re Re- publican senators kept stressing the idea that there was waS wai something behind the bill they did not know about They realized Mr 1 Roosevelt wanted It 11 u as a switch h at the London econ economic eco eco- co 1 n conference e. e They thought there ther her was something else There was Apparently they were the only ones anes who did not know about It II The administration was vu In a very bad legal leral Jam on Its gold raid S tion The first c court urt case was nas almost certain to go 10 against It II The effect would have been embarrassing If not Dot utterly demoralizing to Its fiscal pro pro- gram tram Mr Ro Roosevelt sevelt chose to make a virtue oat out of necessity and recommended mended the change That Is all there was to It It S Mr Roosevelt played a very clever cleyer inside game with congress on the veterans veterans' vet vet- erans' erans cuts Th Those se leaders summoned to the i White House were the I boys Some leaders less sympathetic with the administration attitude were not invited The absentees included Chairman Doughton of the house ways a and d means committee Mr Roosevelt did not threaten to veto th the bill That would have per milled congress to pass the buck to him Instead he told them they must raise more in taxes if they softened the veterans' veterans cuts He realized congressmen have beenk been k known o 11 to hide under a sofa rather than vote more taxes S S S The boys bOTS are cooking up a sugar dish backstage now Administration experts are holding a series aeries of conferences con can with various branches of the Industry The Idea is Ls to work out an allotment allot allot- ment pl plan n satisfactory to all aU The whisper is La that the administration want to put the allotment Into effect between November 1 and nd January 1 It XE wants the a agreement reached before before be be- fore fore- August 1 so a reciprocity treaty with Cubs Cuba may be worked out promptly I There is every reason to expect this plan lan will go eo through S e SS Senator Neeley had for jobs from West Virginia The administration will not even give him two United stat States Stales marshals until un un- til ill next year I Professor ProtesSor Moley's Moley assistant year old Celeste Jedel has also aIso taken her ber herpen pen in let hand to write pieces for the papers Her first t article appeared in a a New York new newspaper paper last Sunday Miss Jedel came from Crom Professor Moley's postgraduate postgraduate post post- I graduate class at Barnard college She studied government at Geneva seat cat of the league of nations The reason Mr Roosevelt reappointed that Republican as financial adviser of of Haiti was a certain army colonel tried to get the job and was pestering the White House for iL it The White House decided to stop the annoyances an an an- n by reappointing at once the theman theman man who had the job If It yo your r son wants to go to law school it might be a good idea to send him There are too many lawyers now but this legislation egi being enacted in hi Washington Washing Washing- ton should make this country a lawyer lawyer lawyers lawyer's law law- yer yer's yer paradise f or 20 years to come NEW YORK B By James Jamea M Mullin Unofficial International cooper non lion Is being belne planned backs backstage tare in the grand Irand manner on the premise that the London conference itself will ill be bea a flop The plan calls for tor united efforts by the federal reserve banks the Bank of at England the Bank of France Fiance and the to raise the world price level by 20 0 per cent Maximum VIe af credit control and concerted action In straightening out international inter national financial tangles not lug Ing the war war debts would be the chief weapons The Idea originated In this coun try Our bait to the British would be unofficial and temporary of the pound around 35 We would probably devalue the dollar b by 15 per cent If U the project works we would have a total rise die In fri the price level Jevel of about 10 to per cent from the depression lowThe lowThe low The whole thing thine would be handled with a minimum of publicity unless 1 it Is w worked In practice It would not nol involve formal discussions or ratifications among governments That means nationalistic debates will b be bl kept out of the picture so 10 far tar as pos po sible albie England's participation is essential to make snake a go 10 of It II If It she proves unresponsive unresponsive un un- responsive responsive- we will unofficially sug SUI reit that the d dollar might be devalued by 30 O per cent and the pound left to togo togo tor r go chase Itself That wouldn't be a bluff We are very Tel likely to pick up our marbles marble and nd come home If Europe cant can't agree aCree with us UI on measures of sincere collaboration 9 0 S r. r The project just described Is r rated ted more Important In high quarters than the economic conference itself If It any thing constructive comes from the of of- of I J tidal fIeld meetings meeting New Yorks York's best posted authorities will be surprised It is understood here that Washington Washing Washing- ton will exercise complete control over over the actions of ot the American dele dele- gates The personnel was chosen for lor willingness to follow instructions instructions- even at long rather range rather rather than for tor individual brilliance It will have no authority to offer or accept propositions lions except by specific approval from the White House Secretary Hull will vIlI be allowed to ride his tariff hobby as far as he likes Nobody will care very much whether he gets get anywhere with it or not nol No tariff agreement would mean a thing unless more vital problems arc are solved If It the conference reaches the thc point where It becomes obviously a polite but futile debate dont don't be bo surprised if It our Is cut short in a hurry Mr Roosevelt's New York friends say that he is In no mood for diplomatic foolery and is perfectly willing to take the path of ot isolation in preference to standing for prolonged prolonged pro pro- longed nationalistic nationalist jockeying 9 0 5 I I IThe The 50 million dollar loan to China Chinato to bu buy cotton otton and wheat Is something more than a gesture to reduce surplus sur cur sur plus tocks stocks It serves senea notice on Japan among amonI others that others that we are willing willingto to act to keep trade channels chan chan- nets nell open Well Informed New Yorkers York ers say that the loan Is as likely to tobe tobe tobe be repaid as s Gandhi is I. to become prime minister of England But the they mostly rate th the benefits as worth the rUt gift eo The Japanese are au an au upset n u already ady They may not say so 0 publicly public public- ly Iy but they have kept the wires hot to their New York correspondents correspondents' with protests and queries They view It as we might view a violation of the Monroe Mon l' roe doctrine There II is no doubt that It will tend t to Increase the diplomatic tension between this country and Japan a Importers here say the real object of ot the Japanese campaign inside the Chinese wall is to exact a treaty of peace This treaty Is to be a little gift from the Jap army to business For a long time Japanese business has been glumly watching an annual trade rade of ot yen in China slip sUp away to America and Europe But it had to pipe down its feelings feelings' and shout for Manchuria S S S Japan had hopes a while back that internal conflict In north China would give her a chance to line up with some faction action or other and come riding inside inside in in- side the wall wan on at least a part of a wave of ot welcome These hopes have been dashed since China refused to stir sUr up a civil war for the purpose S 0 o 0 The Intercollegiate score in hi the Morgan Morgan Morran Mor- Mor gan ran partnership is Harvard 7 Yale 5 harvard has hns three Morgans two Lamonts La La- mo monts ts Whitney and Newhall Newball Yale has las Cochran Leffingwell Stanley Dickey and Davison Sears Roebuck Roebuck Roe- Roe buck uck has spent to build inventories s within a few months New Tew York department stores have begun to buy more liberally also |