Show e C r I G Cl C. OF C CI C. HONORS R Water Set Presented President President dent Directors Get Medals Backman Reports Retiring members of at the board 0 of governors of the chamber of ot com cam commerce commerce merce A. A S. S Brown president past pas presidents and former board members yere ere honored at the weekly meeting in izi in the chamber Monday L Mr Mr Brown Browns Brownin in hi his hiS' last address a. a as president paid tribute to Salt Lake newspapers for furthering community welfare and praised them as an in and necessary essential to Salt SaIl Lakes Lake's progress Discuss Discussing n the activities of the chamber during the year the dent pointed out that the organization tion ion is is' becoming more popular each year Tar year and add added d that if it were not nol for or the champer grass would grow oh on Salt Lakes Lake's streets At At t the e co conclusion of ot his address a resolution was passed c complimenting The Salt Lake Tribune for its scenic section published Sunday MEDALS PRESENTED Medals were presented by Mr Brown to the following ving retiring board members Joseph H. H McGowan Clyde C 1 C. Edmonds Julian Bamberger and Paul Jaul F. F Keyser Keysor Joseph H. H Rayburn the other retiring board member was not present Mr Brown given a water set on n behalf of at the thc board by D. D D. D Muir Jr vice ice president The annual rep report rt of Gus P. P Back Back- nan man man general secretary was read listing 75 maJ major r and minor items which re received ived the chambers chamber's atten atten- tion ion during the year Some of ot these were vere the organization of of the city and c county relief committee work of the highway subcommittee in proposing a L loop highway through Big Co Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton Cotton- ton ton- wood canyon formation of ot a business Continued on Page Pace I Eighteen I cI C OF G. G HONORS RETIRING BOARD f 1 Continued from Page Pace Eleven mens alliance restoration of the Los Las Angeles Lake night airmail service seri ser- ser serri vice ri i e sponsorship of two silver dollar days the recently completed reno reno- campaign and the chamb chambers chamber's rs r's ic activities tics in connection with of the state prohibition amendment amend amend- ment PASSES RESOLUTION The board passed a resolution at the thc conclusion of the report compliment compliment- Jog Mayor Louis Marcus and J. J B B. Mullins president of the intermountain tain tam branch Associated General Contractors Con tractors of ot America lor tor their wor work ln In connection with the ng campaign The following past presidents were introduced and gave brief remarks WJ W. W J. J Halloran E E. O. O Howard Lester Treed Freed Malcolm l A. A Keyser Henry J. J J Harold P. P Fabian Curtis B B. Hawley lawley Sr and Beverly S. S Cl Clendenin Benjamin F. F Redman Hedman and J. J F F. F Fitzpatrick FitzPatrick Fitz Fitz- Patrick former board members members also poke briefly I The rhe board ard will meet with its five new ew me members ers next Monday to elect 1 ew officers The new board members are r Mr Bamberger and Mr Keys Keyser r who were and A. A J. J Cronin JY W. W A A. Carter Cater an and W. W E. E Ry erg |