Show Defeat Fort Foit in Mixed Foursome Tilt Two champions champions Mrs L. L G G. Shrive Shriver and Ed Kingsley teamed Kingsley-teamed teamed together in infine infine infine fine style for Forest Dale Sunday a athe as the nosed out a Fort Douglas Dougla team at Dale in a mixed Scot Scotch h foursome foursome foursome four four- some match 16 Alternating strokes Mrs Shriver the newly crowned women's cit city champion and Kingsley the state slat amateur titleholder turned in a 39 39 37 76 37 76 for the best score of the dayAs day As a result they took three points from the tle e Fort Douglas Dougas team of ot Mrs E. E E. E inch Finch and Cy Harbeke An innovation to Utah golf golt th the match proved an entertaining entertain entertain- ing lag feature Mrs L. L S. S Packman t teamed amed wit with Bill Willes Fort Douglas pro to take tak all aU three points from Mrs Pearl Rile Riley and Professional Tom McHugh o of Dale The Fort duo had a 39 40 Their aggregate however was on one stroke larger than that of Mrs A. A C C. Moore and Jack Ensign of Dale who wh turned In a a 40 78 40 78 for the second best medal of the match a as they wo won three points' points from Mrs T. T D. D Morris and R R. O. O Pearce The Kingsley Shriver-Kingsley card Par 53 36 36 6 S. S-K 53 39 1 S. s 76 37 37 7 Complete results TOll FORT DOUGLAS S FOREST DALE Bill Willis and g To Torn Tom McHugh and Mrs loin L. L S. S Packman Pack Pack- Mrs Mn Pearl purl 0 0 man 3 Ed and nd C Cy Harbeke and Mrs L I. O. O Shri Mrs J JC Z E. E Finch 0 ver ver 2 Thornton Morris r teas Lets Jarman and and- a and Mrs Mu R B. B O. O Mrs r Harry Sort Bore 3 S Pearce h. h 0 Carl Nordberg and nd Karl Weiler and M Mrs J. J E. E Dram Brim fi Mrs ri R. R T T. T Re Stew Stew- t wen well nJ 2 lii art Clyde Thomsen Dr W R. W. W R. R Wor Worley 1 and Sties MUs Helen an and Mrs Karl Karli anil Hofmann T 3 i Weller eJ 0 0 Jack Ensign l and ana ria R. R o. o P Puree Pearce aree and and- Mrs Un A. A C. C Moore 3 Mrs loin Thornton Tipton Knapp and Morris Morrs 0 Mn Mrs H. H H. H ROM ROle h hH IL lL L. L Taylor Tailor and Wayne Crowton Mrs H. A A. Wit War and Mrs Mark E t. 2 0 taft staff 2 Weiss Wel B. B L L. Wood and Harry Hu Goldman Mrs J J. J. J Dowell 3 3 and Mrs Mra B. B P. P Harry Bern and Manley It n Mrs Ira Ji J. C. C John John- K N. O. O Thompson ompson ion son I 1 4 3 z and Mrs Meg dr 1 M. M McCur Me- Me It 1 Clar Cur Nelson Nellon and Dowell 71 fisS Iu c Smith ii- ii 14 I IS 16 |