Show Patterson Shields and Will Willey Wiley Will Be Given High Posts in n Federal Service Special Xo to The W WASHINGTON June 12 Utah came out with a flourish of ot appointments appointments appoint appoint- ments menu to high federal positions position thc as-thc Utah c congressional n delegation after a series of patronage meetings announced announced announced an- an an an- that the nominations of three men inca would be given to to the senate for confirmation today while two others are arc expected to r receive cel positions o of consider considerable ble bie importance importance impo- impo tance in the near future Senator H H. H King senior member of the delegation made t the c announcement In which It was va learned that State Stale Senator Knox Patterson Pat Patterson terson will be nominated as ass assistant assist assistant tant t- t ant to the United States attorney general I at Washington i State Senator Dan B. B Shields was named as district attorney for Utah and D. D O. O Willey ardent supporter of Senator Elbert D. D Thomas during the last camp campaign was was given an important im position in the legal division of the department of t interior at Washington in which he be will be concerned con con- with public lands lands' and hd western west west- era ern matters vital to Utah In the lineup for lor further Democratic Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic honors the names names' of Ray L. L Olson of Ogden and Hugh B. B Brown Drown are prominent The delegation already al- al already ready has ha sent a communication in inthe inthe inthe the interest of oCa a major mao appointment for Olson and Senator King I Is authority authority authority au au- au- au for the statement t that the same ame will be done for tor M Mr M Brown A |