Show 5 15 5 FLIGHTS HOLD WORLD INTEREST Spanish Aviators Complete Mile Hop From I Spain to Cuba i 8 Br Press k ri Fie lon long airplane flights two of i rn i in the thi state stat ot of or final nal preparations engaged the attention of or the theS t S. OI S world orld toda today I i jimmie Matter American globe flier was WS believed prepared for lor his Ir- Ir Alaska jit transpacific hop to f Captain Mariano Barberan anc and andi Lieutenant Joaquin Collar Spanish i f army 17 aviators completed a mlle mile i JOB hop bOP from Seville Spain to Camaj Camat Cama Cama- j V t ley Cuba Sunday thereby t fishing lish nJ a north Atlantic nonstop ree- ree reef f ord r IK t Cap Captain In J J. Errol Boyd Bod and md two com corn T left Sunday on a good will f flight from rom New York to lo Port au auf aut f t Prince Haiti Balti Stephen stepnen Darius DarJUs and Stanley GI GI- i renas enaS prepared for their nonstop food toOd d will flight flIgh t of miles from fromi i NeV New York to Kaunas Lithuania Twenty-four Twenty planes manned by 96 men icen were tentatively due to leave 1 1 Orbetello Italy by sta stages es to the chicagO fair air at 7 a. a m. m Wednesday r r. jJr AJr Ir Minister Balbo chief of the v i pronounced men and mar marchines ma ma- r h in perl perfect condition j f r Mattern Believed on I Flight to Alaska MOSCOW June Tune 12 UP CUP II I Mattern attern American aviator was beb be be- b to have hopped off today from U tJ 1 sk Siberia on his long flight light flight to Nome Name Alaska No news from the flier came In on the single telegraph line connecting the capital and the remote eastern f Siberian town Important telegrams often are delayed 20 to 30 hours Of Of- believed he hc had taken off ort because because be be- cause nearly 36 hours had elapsed t y I. I since rince he landed in |