Show OUTLINED OUTLINED- IN PEKING WAR AR rM Leader I 2 Will Attack I IA WASHINGTON ti SH O Nov Ivov 13 A AP APA AP- AP A summary of the Chinese military situation was received ved here today from Minister l MacMurray In Peking Pe Pe- king The attitude of General Feng Yu hYU-Hsiang the Christian general ha hB said sald Is is not yet entirely clear but the plan of Chang Tso Tso-Lin the I Manchurian Manchurian war lord and chief sup sup- of the provisional govern- govern Kment apparently Is to hold the at attack attack at- at tack tacit from the south along the line Une of or Techow or to Fu while enveloping Peking g from east and south In a threat against Feng A con consular ular report from said cald that formal notification h had d been given there of an armistice between between the Manchurian and Che- Che 1 kiang Mang forces pending peace negotiations but that warlike measures measures measures mea mea- continued in Shantung Mr MacMurray reported that he had been reliably informed of the ther r resignation of the finance minister of the provisional government an n Anfu politician Minister Yeh Yen of the communications ministry was lit in Mukden and had repeatedly de deferred deferred deterred de- de his return to Peking but insisted in- in slated Isted that a peaceful settlement still was possible TOKIO Nov 13 AP Two AP-Two Two Japanese Japanese Japanese Japa Japa- nese destroyers have been dispatched dispatched dispatched dis dis- patched from naval base to China Chinn for the purpose of protecting Japanese nationals Two additional ships ships' are held in readiness readiness readiness readi readi- ness if the situation In China de demands demands demands de- de mands mands them r The rhe foreign office today explained that considerable confusion was caused by Jy great grent numbers of Chinese flocking toward and outlying outlying outlying out out- lying districts and the destroyers were sent merely for protective purposes No marines will wUI be landed unless disturbances dl endanger the lives of Japanese the foreign office spokesman spokesman spokesman spokes spokes- man man said The few dispatches received by T the J Japanese pane e government from Peking Pe- Pe king Indicate that thata a news censorI censorship censorship censor censor- I ship Is probable Considerable pessimism pessimism pes- pes exists here regarding the situation I |