Show UT UTAH LEADERS IN SCOUT WORK ARE PROMOTED I Oscar A. A Kirk Kirkham am Gets Regional Post H Ham Hammond mond Utah Executive After Alter several years of ot diligent service in Boy oy Scout work in Utah two exec executives tives of this thi org organization n have been promoted to h higher r rank Tank I O. O A. A KIRKHAM They are Oscar A. A Kirkham scout executive of Utah and D. D E E. Hammond Hammond Hammond Ham Ham- mond field executive In In charge of the Salt Lake council Mr Kirkham has received the appointment appointment appointment ap ap- ap- ap as assistant r regional gioI dIrector di director director dI- dI rector under the regional executive executive tive live Charl s s. s N. N Miller whose headquarters are are- areat at Los Angeles Cal Cat Mr Miller is 15 executive of what is known as r region gion twelve w I h 4 4 D. D E E. E HAMMOND covers Utah Arizona Nev Nevada and ald California Mr Mr Kirkham was as ap appointed appointed ap- ap p- p pointed by Stewart V. W. French of Pasadena Cal Cat of f the twelfth regional commit committee e on scout ing It was announced e f z HAMMONDS HAMMOND'S NEW WORK Mr Hammonds Hammond's new new work work will wm willbe willbe be scout ex executive for Utah re re replacing replacing replacing placing Mr Kirkham Both have been In scout work iri hi this state for many years ears Mr Kirkham's resignation nation was accepted by y the executive live tive committee of the Salt Lake council of Boy Scouts at a a. meeting meeting meet meet- ing ng at the chamber of comm commerce 1215 15 o'clock Frida Friday Mr Ir Hammond Ham Hammond mond was given his new Ir rr Kirkham was was- field secretary of the Mutual Improvement assocIation association association of the L. L D. D S. S church He was first scout executive of the Salt Sait Lake council He took hold of the wor work when there were forty forty- troops being confined only to S Salt Lake Since that time the tt-e territory has extended to all of Salt Lake county county county coun coun- ty the south half of Davis county and Summit and Tooele There are now about troops In all aU and twenty four m men ri scouts It ItIs itis itis Is said v x SCOUT SCOUr FOURTEEN YEARS Mr Hammond H has lias been connected connect ct- ct ed with scouting for the past fourteen fourteen four four- teen years He organized the first I scout troop in the southwestern part of the city before there was a national national na na- na- na connection in s scouting In Utah Later Latel on Mr Hammond as assisted assisted assisted as- as in supervising and establishing establishing establish establish- ing scouting in the southwestern pa pat t t of Salt Lake also In Magna Garfield and Pleasant Green About bout six years ago he was appointed field ex executive of the tho coun council ll workIng workIng working work- work Ing with with- Mr Kirkham Since that h has s worked with Mr Kirkham Kirk Kirk- ham In helping to build u uthe the or organization organization or- or and extending its t tern tory ton At present Mr Ir Kirkham Is at attending attending attending at- at tending M. M I. I A. A conventions la in Arizona Art Art- zona and New Mexico but Is expected ex cx- cx to return In the near future |