Show iJ F Gridiron Schedule I Saturdays Saturday's 5 I Adrian vs M. M at Adrian Akron kron vs H Wooster r at ot Akron Alabama J ve i. i Florida nt Montgomery Alabama Poly roly vm vs Vanderbilt at Dir lUr- lima Inia vs n. Ypsilanti at Alma thany Be-thany vs MI J at Lindsborg Uon Beaton college va A s M est Virginia 1 Wn- Wn n leyan at nt Boston Boston ton university vs is Providence nce at notion Drown Brown vs s. s nt Providence Butler r vs 8 Dayton ton a-ton at California vs IK fl Washington ton at ot D Berkeley rk I T. T California I 1 Aggles s TS vs Nevada inda S at ot Sac sae- rom nto Capital university vs is Ashland 1 at Co- Co lumbus Carleton vs v VH Co Coe CO at Northfield Catholic university is ya nt ot Washington C Central lItral Michigan Normal IN vs ralso rabo at Mount Pleasant ll Chattanooga is vs Ix Louisville ul at nt Chattanooga Chatta- Chatta Chicago o is i's is Dartmouth at Chicago Cincinnati vs is Ohio university at nt Cin College lIo Pacific i vs Santa Clara at Stockton Colorado Apples AIlee vs n. Colorado lit at Fort Collin Collins Columbia i vs s i JJ lJ S S. S Military academy mr at nt Polo 1010 grounds Concord Conord vs VB Elkins Davas-Elkins at Columbus VS TS St. St Thomas at nt Sioux I City Cornell m. m nt ot Ithaca Corn Cornell 11 college VII vs Dubuque at Mount Vernon m Creighton is vs North Dakota university at Omaha Delaware vs n. at Newark Nework New New- ark ork Del I. I Denison is vs Ohio Wesleyan I an at Gran- Gran hl uw rJ vs S is Hanover Hanoi er nt t Greencastle tle Detroit vs TB VIf Washington and Jefferson at ot Detroit Dickinson On v vs V Penn Military at nt Carlisle Drexel r ul t 18 vs nt at Philadelphia vs H i Genera at Pittsburg IK vs 11 Franklin at ot Richmond Emory and Henry IK vs 11 Tusculum at ot Em Emory 0 vs VII C C. C C. C N. N Y 1 at Fordham Franklin and ond Marshall is vs at ot Lancaster r. Fr Fresno is vs California T Tech ch nt at Fresno Furman vs VH Carolina and ond Greenville Georgetown vs vs VH C Centre at Washington C George or vs Albright at Washington aRh C Georgia T Tech vs Georgia at Atlanta is vs Kansas at Grinnell ll irate Grove City vs v's is s Allegheny JI I at Grove GroTe City Hamilton vs I Union at ot Clinton VII vs St. St Olaf at St St. t. t. t Paul Hastings ip vs W Me Wesleyan I at Hastings d lb rA is vs Otterbein at nt Tiffin Hiram is So e Cus t nt ot Hobart IK vs Buffalo at G Geneva Hol toss Crow vs in Rutgers nt at Worcester r. r Howard is vs 11 Atlanta at ot Washington a Huron vf vp at Huron Muron Illinois vs VII VB abash at Urbana Illinois college vs Eureka at ot J Jackson Jackson- yule ville I Illinois fil yan vs vs S Bradley nt t Indiana is vs 11 Rose RORe Poly roly at Bloomington John Carroll is vs So Bethany at CI Cleveland vla fI Johns Hopkins vs va St. St Johns John's s at nt Stahl- Stahl Jim ore Juniata is vs Alfred I at Huntingdon Kansas Kaunas al s I vs is Nebraska s at Man Sian h hattan Kearney arn y r vs T Doane at t Kearney y King vs 18 II Milligan at Lafayette tte Susquehanna vs I. I at Easton Lake Forest is vs Lombard Lombar at Lake Forest t. t Lebanon lAbanon I Valley r rS vs vs S Schuylkill at Ann Ann- ville l Lehigh VI vs at Lincoln Memorial vs at Slid and dl dle boro Louisiana coU college g vs VII Arkansas nt at Pines Loyola vs VB Gallaudet at nt Baltimore Maine Lynchburg IN vs Few is vs W nt at Lynchburg at Orono a 91 tt vs VII South Dakota at ot Milwaukee Maryland is vs S i and Lee IM at ashington 1 McKendre vs vs VH C Carthage at Lebanon Miami vs is H at Oxford vs II Ohio State at Ann Arbor Minnesota is vs Iowa OO at a Minneapolis s MI Mississippi H 1 college in vs Mississippi II at Clinton Missouri is fI Oklahoma nt at Columbia vr II Nebraska Normal 1 at ot Sioux City NtY Morris Brown vs VH at At Atlanta At- At Ian lanta fa Morris Harvey Y vs TH K Kentucky Ve at Winchester r. Ky Mount Union vs VII Alumni at nt Alliance u. m. m 5 Ohio Northern m nt ot New s w Concord Conord J J ew w York university vs T Trinity at ot Ohio CI field hJ i vs vs VA St. St at Rt Niagara Sla Niagara ara Fal Falls North Carolina vs is 11 Davidson at ot Chapel Chap 1 Hill North orth Carolina State ve VII vs Wake Forest at RaI Notre Dame vs v's is 11 Carn Carnegie gle at South Bend Olivet t vs VII vs Albion at Olivet t. t Ia Pacific university is vs at Forest For For- est eat Grove GroT Pennsylvania vs VII at Phila d delphia t I Phillips Exeter vs VII vs Phillips Andover r at EC Exeter Purdue VII vo Northwestern rn at nt Lafayette RIe Bice vs fl Texas Te Aggles S at nO 1 Houston ton Richmond IB vs Sidney at Richmond IK vs Carroll nt at Ripon Rochester vs is 11 at Rochester St. St Lawrence n vim is Clarkson at Canton St. St Louis university is vs Loyola at St. St Louise LouK Loul St. St t. t Marys Mary's vs Ninth Army at ot San Francisco St. St Stephens Stephen's vs VI Norwich at Rt Poughkeepsie St. St Tho Thomas is vs Manhattan at Scranton Sioux Falls Foils IK vs at Sioux Fall nails I South uth 1 Dakota alOo vs vs n. De flea Du Moines at Ver- Ver million South Methodist vs vu Baylor nt at Dallas Southwestern vs n. J hel at Memphis S. S W. W Louisiana vs n. Austin at Lafay Lafay- ette Rill lull at Spring prinK vs VB Mobile Stanford vs University of 01 California SO Southern rn Branch at Stanford Stevens vs n. Swarthmore at Hoboken n. n Still college is vs Du Buena na Vista at ot Des DesMoines Moines Syracuse o is vs Colgate o at Syracuse Tennessee n vs 5 Mississippi p at Knoxville Knox Texas VI vs Arizona at Austin Texas Texo Chri Christian is vs 1 Arkansas SRI at t Tort Fort TortWorth Worth orth The The Citadel tb I 1 VS MI Clemson college at Charlr Charleston Thiel is vs 11 Westminster at Gr Greenville Tol Toledo do is vs Detroit college at Toledo Tufts vs n. at Medford Tulane vs 8 Swon Sewanee e at New w Orleans Union is vs Cumberland rland at Barbourville U. U S. S Naval 1 aval acad academy my vs VII Bucknell at Annapolis University of Southern California vs Montana at Los Angeles J Vermont ermont VH vs Middlebury at Burlington Virginia is n. Virginia rely Poly at nt Charlot Char- Char lot e. e A Virtinia Military Institute vs hen In turks turl at Charleston AV W Va n Washburn is vs St. St Marys Mary's at Topeka Waynesburg is as 8 St. St Francis at Waynesburg Waynes- Waynes burg bor- AV 11 Maryland is vs 8 Washington at Vest est minster Reserve VS Baldwin at Cleveland v land Western Sta Normal vs ve Transylvania at Bowling Green West sto Virginia Virginia- university vs P Penn nn State at Morg anto Whitman college vs is n. Puget tt Sound at Walla AY alia vs n. Amherst at ot is vs Michigan Aggles at Madison Yale Vale vs VH Princeton at New S W Hav haven Haien n. n |