Show I Col Colorado rado Physician Will Be Foreman at New Mexico co 00 Mill By STANLEY WHITAKER United Press Staff Correspondent LITTLETON LITTLETON Cob COlo Nov 13 13 The cloud that bas bas' has hung over r- r the heads of Dr Harold E. E Blazer and his daughter Frances Bishop for many ye years rs was today lifted Refreshed after a peaceful nights night's rest Blazer was In good spirits to- to n He had had not ia SeI I e 1 to say about his ih th i old ol haired gray d doctor is now looking toward the future I I Blazer was cleared of f all char charges es esI I of f killing his Imbecile daughter In Inthe Inthe inthe the district court of Arapahoe county yesterday a N N. i Im going down to Chama Cham M M. and become a mill foreman I said Blazer I r 1 dont don't Just know how soon I will go I have a friend down there that has lumber interests interests interests inter inter- ests and he wants waits me to became a sawmill tore foreman man Mrs Frances Bishop who has borne a heavier burden throughout the trial than her father appeared relieved today I never never- believed they would convict father she said but 1 I didn't like the idea of a hung jur Jury J 1 am glad that he was absolved of all charges The trial of Blazer was was was' harder on M Mrs s Bishop than anyone else The cutting stories attorneys told of her father the details of an unfortunate unfortunate unfortunate un un- fortunate murder her fathers father's at- at temp temPi to commit suicide all bore down upon her frail form and many nany times tinie it looked as If It sheI she would c collapse |